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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Fly

  1. I wasn't kidding when I said mourning ends part 1+2 is my favourite. Super easy, don't even understand why it is hard, for everyone else..
  2. To higher strength and attack to be a good range tank.. 70/70 or 75/75 is absolute max.
  3. He'll be lucky to even get a response if he decides to sell..
  4. Righto, you read the title, so what is yours? Mine is Mourning Ends 1+2.. Piece of piss and could do them with my eye's shut..
  5. Fly


    1m 36-50 fm 2m 38-55 wc My Skype is - RsFlyy
  6. Watching bonesaw get the first Firecape in 07..
  7. It comes down to who you buy it off, I would buy off high rep'd people, and then off those people that can tell you exactly everything down to, what day original ip..
  8. Great bloke, did some awesome looking graphics for me, greatly appreciated mate..
  9. Oath mate and then, Macgyver.. A-Team (both movie and Tv show), Knight Rider, the list goes on..
  10. You have forgotten about; Red Red 2 Die Hard 1-5 Rush Hour 1-3 The Expendables 007 Movies
  11. If 43 prayer is on the account then 12m, it would for 80 strength.. My Skype is RsFlyy
  12. Fly


    18m dt and pre req 2m Mage 2m fm 4m thieve My Skype is RsFlyy
  13. Fly

    Service Request x2

    2.5m for thieve.. 15m for full graceful 11m for 1-60 hunter My Skype is -RsFlyy Looking forward to hearing back from you.
  14. Fly

    60 ATK quested

    I can do this for you mate.. add my Skype- RsFlyy
  15. Fly


    You have my Skype mate, I will discuss this and and the others with you when I get home
  16. Fly

    Need 200 PC points

    4m My Skype is RsFlyy
  17. 80m and Ill build you one, this will come will all your own information My Skype is RsFlyy Looking forward to hearing back from you.
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