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Posts posted by flewis

  1. 8 hours ago, burnerboi360 said:


    If you want to bot I recommend you update your operating system, if your device cannot because of hardware limitations the best options would be to either write your own script, use physical hardware or take your phone apart and by some parts to upgrade it. Shouldn't be more than $10 or so

  2. 6 minutes ago, burnerboi360 said:

    Title says it all, I've been looking for an autoclicker/tapper for my android phone but I've seen nothing good on the google play store. What do you guys think is a good autoclicker for android (assuming if there is any lul). I would prefer one that doesn't require a jailbreak/root. 

    'Tapping - Auto Clicker', no root access either. I suggest if you have access to a computer to use OSBOT however as it is greatly more effective than an autoclicker. OSBOT can be used as an autoclicker however too! :)

  3. Hey all,


    Was just wondering what is the lowest possible memory + CPU usage was using launch settings such as by using -nointerface ETC. Looking for anything that could improve the mainly the memory as the official client whilst running uses around 150-200MB of RAM to compared to the average 500MB of OSBOT.


    Thank you for any help :)


  4. 9 hours ago, Nbacon said:

    Hello Flewis,

    The code works pat yourself on the back. Its a good start. The logic is most important part of a bot and  ever sagement is broken in to a logic spot. BUT using a switch statement like this is like using goto and we can do better.  If think like a state machine were all action is true false pair. Programing becomes fast and rapid becuase you can use "and then" and "what if" thinking. 

    • Will spin flax in Lumbridge castle. Yes
    • Banks on the top floor. Yes
    • Can be stopped and started anytime and will figure out where you left off. It does but there like goto.
    • Will stop when the user has no more flax in the bank. Yes.
    • Has mechanisms to deal with lag for example if widgets don't open ETC. Check for nulls is great becuase they will crash the client but for lag look into ConditionalSleep.
    • Tested on all server locations. No idea what this means.

    Two tips limit accounts per loop and use conditionals logic not switches. (switches have a place like during quest ).

    This is how I would do it . I  just a rearaging of your code to limit actions per loop and tried to explain  the thinking behind it.

    step 1: break the bot in to 2 logical opposites like has bow stirngs or does not have bow strings.   (you can use this pattern for 95% of banking skills)

    step 2: Think to yourself If i dont have not flax were am i and how do i get ride of this not flax?

    step 3: fill in the code to get you to the bank, bank your items and with draw the flax. Once this is done the logic for getting flax is done. 

    Step 4:  The else logic we have flax, we could be at the bank, or going to the sping wheel or making bowstrings.



    step 5 fill in and done.









    7 hours ago, Efpkaf said:

    Instead of using currentAction as integer, use enum. You could extract every step into other class which implements interface A and in enum parameter set implementation of this interface for example:

    interface Action{
    	void doThing();
    class A implements Action{
    	public void doThing(){...}
    class B implements Action{
    	public void doThing(){...}
    enum ActionType{
      BANK(new A()), FOO(new B())...
      private final Action action;


    use private final static variables instad of private final 

    Thank you so much guys :)

    Been a huge help honestly I can't express my gratitude enough!


  5. Hey all,

    Wrote my first fully functioning script (first Java project also) and was just wondering what I could do to improve it in terms of making the code more efficient and also better practices I could have used. I feel it looks to Pythonic to compared to other script source codes I've looked at. Python is the programming language I took in computer science so it makes sense but on a journey to learn Java I will need to drop old habits. Below is the entire code. Any feedback is greatly appreciated :)

    Script features:

    • Will spin flax in Lumbridge castle
    • Banks on the top floor
    • Can be stopped and started anytime and will figure out where you left off.
    • Will stop when the user has no more flax in the bank
    • Has mechanisms to deal with lag for example if widgets don't open ETC
    • Tested on all server locations
    import org.osbot.rs07.api.map.Area;
    import org.osbot.rs07.api.map.Position;
    import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.Entity;
    import org.osbot.rs07.api.ui.RS2Widget;
    import org.osbot.rs07.api.ui.Skill;
    import org.osbot.rs07.script.Script;
    import org.osbot.rs07.script.ScriptManifest;
    import java.awt.*;
    @ScriptManifest(name = "Flax Spinner", author = "Flewis", version = 1.0, info = "", logo = "")
    public class FlaxSpinner extends Script {
        // Variable for the current stage of the bot
        private int currentAction = 0;
        // Used to check to see if a run has started
        private boolean started = false;
        // Location of the bank
        private final Area bankArea = new Area(new Position(3207, 3217, 2), new Position(3210, 3220, 2));
        // Location of the wheel
        private final Area wheelArea = new Area(new Position(3208, 3212, 1), new Position(3213, 3216, 1));
        public void onStart() {
            //Code here will execute before the loop is started
            if (getInventory().contains("Flax")) {
                currentAction = 2;
        public void onExit() {
            //Code here will execute after the script ends
        public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException {
            switch(currentAction) {
                // Walks to the bank
                case 0:
                // Open bank, bank bowstring (if possible), take out flax, close bank
                case 1:
                    if (getBank().isOpen()) {
                        Script.sleep(random(500, 1500));
                        if (getBank().getAmount("Flax") == 0) {
                            log("Stopped due to having no flax!");
                        getBank().withdraw("Flax", random(28,436));
                        Script.sleep(random(500, 1500));
                // Walks to the wheel
                case 2:
                    if (!getInventory().contains("Flax")) {
                        currentAction = 0;
                        return random(500, 1200);
                    started = false;
                // Spin the flax
                case 3:
                    if (!widgets.isVisible(233) && started && !getInventory().contains("Flax")) {
                        return random(1000, 1500);
                    if (widgets.isVisible(233)) {
                        started = false;
                    if (!getInventory().contains("Flax") && wheelArea.contains(myPlayer())) {
                        currentAction = 0;
                    } else {
                        Entity spinningWheel = getObjects().closest("Spinning wheel");
                        if (spinningWheel != null) {
                            Script.sleep(random(500, 1500));
                            RS2Widget bs = getWidgets().get(270, 16, 38);
                            if (bs != null) {
                                getKeyboard().pressKey(' ');
                                Script.sleep(random(100, 250));
                                getKeyboard().releaseKey(' ');
                                started = true;
            return random(1000, 1500); //The amount of time in milliseconds before the loop starts over
        public void onPaint(Graphics2D g) {
            //This is where you will put your code for paint(s)

    Thank you :)


  6. 47 minutes ago, Naked said:

    Price check section is one section over.


    7qp accounts aren't really needed as they don't bypass the new trade restrictions.

    Oh yes I must've clicked the wrong section 😛

    and I haven't played Runescape for years so I didn't know that, thank you though :) 

    48 minutes ago, Kramnik said:

    If you want to get 500k-2m for them make them 10Qp, 100 total and 20 hours game play. Then they would have some use. I saw these selling 800k-1000k each. 7qp accounts are useless now. And before restriction changes they were 200-300k ea anyway. There is difference in price if they are hand made or not. But I think many people do not care if they were botted as long as it is cheaper and rested to be sure it won't get banned after you buy it.

    Ok that actually makes sense, I have not played since the new changes, I would however like to get back into botting at some point however!

  7. Hey all,

    Title really says it all, just want to get an idea of prices of these accounts, atm I have found average prices of around 500k-2m that is quite a range (although some posts are older).

    Also hand-made and botted accounts sell for different prices I think?

    Thanks for any help.



  8. 35 minutes ago, Alek said:

    AutoLogin() isn't a method, it's the initializer for a class. Your script only runs when your fully logged into the game to prevent new scripters from easily throwing null pointers and crashing the client. I'd suggest first learning a bit of Java and how objects are constructed before attempting to do something like this. If you still want to go ahead without learning the necessary knowledge, you will need to start OSBot with -norandoms enabled so you can execute code at the login screen.

    Yeah sorry that was me just being stupid, thank you for the heads up I am fairly new to scripting in Java and I have gone pretty big for a first project but everything has been successful so far. Also how do I start OSBOT with -norandoms?

    26 minutes ago, Juggles said:

    You need to create your own login handler class or use Explvs if you want to do that. 

    A lot more code to it then just sleeping when you log out

    Okay thank you, could you link me to Explv's login handler class, he has so many resources. 

  9. Hey'a everyone,


    I can't find a way to log out wait some time then log back in, the code I have so far is:

    getLogoutTab().logOut(); // Logs out
    sleep(random(25000, 30000)); // Ignore the time I'll change this later
    AutoLogin(); // <------------ this doesn't work for some reason and just comes up with an error

    'AutoLogin();' is what is used on the OSBOT documentation.

    Thanks for any response <3


  10. Just thought I'd add this code in, this will test if the item has been brought in a specific box in the GE so if you have any waiting involved you can use this code to check if the buy has completed.

    // Tests to see if box one is being used or not
    if (getGrandExchange().getStatus(GrandExchange.Box.BOX_1) != GrandExchange.Status.EMPTY) {
    	log("Box 1 of the Grand Exchange is not empty...");
    	sleep(random(2000, 3000));
        // Tests to see if box 1 is finished
    	if (grandExchange.getAmountRemaining(GrandExchange.Box.BOX_1) == 0) {
    	    log("Item 1 has finished in GE box 1...");

    Also I used 'getAmountRemaining' because all the other methods were not working for me in the new update.


  11. @Czar good script overall but sadly it has so many bugs that it's basically unusable over long periods. The script will literally just stop for absolutely no reason and get stuck. Also blackjacking needs a major update due to it only being able to blackjack for about 5 minutes before needing food (use the noted item method). When getting cakes from the bakers stall it doesn't drop the unwanted items like chocolate cake slice/bread and also doesn't eat when health gets low so the character just ends up dying.

    The script doesn't handle dying very well either it just logs out.


    I think some of the problems with the script are down to how much useless content there is in script. I get that the script is AIO but it would be better to take some of the unused NPC's out of the script and just focus on the important NPC's like paladins, knights, guards, men and blackjacking. The chests do work very well though.


    The paint is also very good and it calculates the XP rates very accurately.


    I hope this gives some advice for future updates. I do really think the script has much potential <3


    -Flewis :doge: 

  12. Disputed Member:



    Why it should be removed:

    The feedback is just absolutely false...



    I run an unbanning service, I send an email to Jagex via their support email to try and recover accounts. 

    The user was not charged anything and I can't access the account if it's banned obviously... I can't understand why I'm being given negative feedback just because Jagex hasn't replied, I even stated that it would take anywhere up to and beyond 27 days and it's been 2 days... The user is impatient and I gave regular updates of what was happening until he just stopped replying. 


    Here is proof that I told the user what to expect and even stated that it would take at least 27 days:




    Link to topic:

    No topic done by private messages.

  13. 19 minutes ago, HeyImJamie said:

    I don't think there's an animation for feathers so your if check is useless. I assume you've learned that since then though as this was your first script? :P 

    Oh no it's testing if they player is animating (moving) not the feather. Just look over the pastebin again, dw though I definitely knew that even from the beginning!! Thanks for the advice anyway though <3


  14. 2 hours ago, Juggles said:

    I see a lot of @Lewis in you. Could be the next big scripter

    I hope so, I have big plans for the dungeoneering and summoning skills when they when they release :)


    2 hours ago, Apaec said:

    Nice work (: Just a few things, firstly, there's no need to store Player myPlayer() in a variable since you're only using it once. Secondly, I would highly recommend using a conditional sleep after interacting with feathers instead of a static one. This conditional sleep could factor in distance to the feathers to determine the threshold, and look for an inventory gain/amount rise for the condition boolean. This means the script will only sleep for as long as it needs to, and time out and try again if for whatever reason the interaction fails (Also I would recommend making use of the interact methods boolean return). 

    You can define a conditional sleep anonymously, or by extending the abstract class with your own class and overriding the method that way. Check out the API: https://osbot.org/api/org/osbot/rs07/utility/ConditionalSleep.html



    Wow thank you for the advice this is actually game changing, thank you!! This will come in handy when making things like dungeoneering and summoning scripts when the two skills finally release!! <3


    Again thank you so much!!


    27 minutes ago, Mumble said:

    Congratulations on release!


    Thank you :) 

  15. Dear all,


    When learning the OSBOT API/Java I made a simple feather collector script. I just wanted to put the script out there for everyone to use, it's efficient but it could easily be made more efficient if someone wanted to edit the timings just I didn't want to get banned so I made the times quite long and random. 


    Please remember I wrote this about a week ago in my first 1-2 hours of learning Java and I have got a lot better since then <3


    Anyway have fun with the script, if you want anything added to it please let me know and I'll see what I can do!!


    Download - FeatherCollector.jar

    Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/nwhamZZF


    Thank you for downloading!!



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