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Posts posted by flewis

  1. The video looks pretty decent but the audio needs a bit of work (I'd recommend no music with your mic on full volume because you can always turn down the volume later), would also advise you to create or edit some existing scripts though so the paints all look the same :)


    Overall though really nice video it was 9.23 minutes well spent in my eyes <3



    • Like 1
  2. 8 minutes ago, seeker said:

    I am talking about VPNs lol. The biggest free VPN's won't have more than 200 ips for you to connect to. And cheap paid ones won't have more than 50. VPN's are shit. You need proxies.


    Good point, I think proxies would work a lot better!! <3

  3. 10 minutes ago, jazzies said:

    So, I'm an idiot. This is the first time on these forums so please forgive me.


    I bought a NMZ bot from fruity for 9.99$USD - that went smooth, but I actually bought the bot before downloading the software itself to operate it. -.-

    I need help setting it up, I extracted the files and it gave a bunch of files and programs like "start" "stop" "lock" etc

    How do I open osbot?


    A file should be stored somewhere called something a long the lines of "OSBot 2.4.133" open this (double click on it) and the login  GUI should come up, it will ask you to login with your forum username and password, once the credentials are correct and you have clicked launch (use stealth injector mode - you'll see what I mean on the login GUI). Now you are in the main OSBOT GUI!!


    You can download "OSBot 2.4.133" or a similar version from the contents bar at the top of the page.

  4. 56 minutes ago, Qubit said:

    Don't know if this is a thing, but i have a couple scripts that I have bought that from my understanding are no longer supported or accessible via sdn. What I find concerning is that some of these scriptwriters continue to make scripts and have others ones for sale now. So my question is, is there a minimum amount of a time a scripter must support a script. If not, why not? What is preventing scripters from developing these scripts for quick money and then dropping them soon after? Would be nice to see a system that if a script is not supported for X months they lose their scripting 2+ status and other scripts are removed from sdn or even refunding the script out of the scripters pocket....


    I agree this happened a few times to me with some similar purchases for scripts for other games. My advice is to learn Java tbh, from never learning Java I wrote my first script in a day that was better than some of the premium scripts. There is an entire forum area with great beginner tutorials. I highly recommend the tutorial by @Explv it's great for beginners and advanced users of Java!!

  5. 2 hours ago, seeker said:

    I don't. VPN's especially free ones are widely used.


    42 minutes ago, artski12 said:

    Wouldnt be surprised if even the free vpns are already flagged.


    Good point but there are millions of IP's to connect to, even if it's not a mainstream VPN service you could probably use a friends network to set up a VPN.

  6. 1 hour ago, Atomicals said:

    Thought about just focusing on mining and runecrafting, just doing the others for the hell of it. lol I have gp for a bond I just don't know if I want to make it.

    Well a mining + smithing combination is a good money maker but if you already have enough for a bond then I recommend getting one because you can make your money back just playing 20-30mins a day.

  7. I would recommend you get your crafting level up then grind golden necklaces and bracelet until you get enough for a bond, runecrafting is also a profitable skill but it's very slow to get levels.

  8. 7 minutes ago, Explv said:


    Right now it just stores the overall price value.

    I can modify it though to store information. Will update the thread shortly


    Thank you so much, saves me a lot of time <3

    A quick suggestion is you should add all data to program because it's all really useful for making grand exchange scripts!!

  9. 6 minutes ago, Explv said:


    If this is a just a one off thing though, I wrote a quick python script to do it:

    import json
    item_data = {}
    with open('summary.json', 'r') as summary_file:
        item_data = json.load(summary_file)
    item_names = [item_data[item_id]['name'] for item_id in item_data] 
    with open('item_names.txt', 'w') as item_names_file:
        for item_name in item_names:
            item_names_file.write(item_name + "\n")


    And here is the output:



    I tried doing it in python but it's not a one off thing because the item prices update every couple of minutes and I wanted to use it to find good prices for items in the GE. 

  10. 2 minutes ago, Explv said:

    Firstly that file will not include all RuneScape items, only ones tradeable on the Grand Exchange.

    It is a JSON file, you should use a JSON library to handle the data, such as https://github.com/fangyidong/json-simple or https://github.com/google/gson

    Here is what the file looks like prettified:

      "2": {
        "id": 2,
        "members": true,
        "name": "Cannonball",
        "sp": 5,
        "overall_average": 195,
        "sell_average": 195,
        "buy_average": 195
      "6": {
        "id": 6,
        "members": true,
        "name": "Cannon base",
        "sp": 187500,
        "overall_average": 179789,
        "sell_average": 177522,
        "buy_average": 176043

    To extract each item you would create a JSONObject of the whole String.

    Then iterate over each of it's keys, these are the item ids e.g. (2, 6).

    For each of those keys, get the value (this is the item's information), and then print the value of the "name" key out to a file.


    Okay so just to clarify in simple terms, I need to sort the data into a more readable form then I need to get item id (the key), finally I need to just read the data from each key?


    Thank you for the help it's much appreciated, btw I loved your OSBOT tutorial it really helped me get started with OSBOT and Java in general <3


  11. Dear all,


    I have found some data on a website that I'd like to extract. In java I don't know how to get the data from the website and sort it into a file in my scripts folder.


    For example the website has data like:

    "2": {"buy_average": 193, "members": true, "name": "Cannonball", "sp": 5, "overall_average": 195, "sell_average": 194, "id": 2}, "6": {"buy_average": 174492, "members": true, "name": "Cannon base", "sp": 187500, "overall_average": 180888, "sell_average": 176566, "id": 6},


    Only problem is it's all in one string and I need to separate each item out onto a different line in the text file (the file contains all Runescape items).


    Website I want to extract data from: https://rsbuddy.com/exchange/summary.json


    Sorry I'm pretty new to Java so I have no idea what I'm doing tbh xD


    Thank you for any help though!! <3



  12. Flewis' General Store

    Welcome traveller to my general store,

    Here you can buy a whole range of items for just $1 per batch!!

    Stock is infinite because my bots can re-stock everything in a day or two.

    I have grinded for a long time to get all these items.


    Store Contents (Everything $1):

    Leather x 1000

    Hard Leather x 1000

    Cowhide x 1200

    Woad Leaves x 500

    Feathers x 100,000

    Gold Amulet (u) x 1200

    Gold Necklace x 1000

    Gold Ring x 1000



    Payments must be made through Paypal,

    You will not charge back,

    No refunds,

    Once the items are in your inventory you may do anything you like with them :)



    Payments will be done through Paypal:


    *Send money here and message me with the item you wish to purchase!!*


    Final Notes:

    Thank you for looking at my shop,

    This is my first shop on the forum so it's probably not great.

    Have a good day <3





  13. 3 minutes ago, bobcat20 said:

    why? takes less than 3 minutes to make, why would somebody buy them off u lol


    I'm the one who wants to buy them... Also I'm just checking because I want to buy a ton later on like 100-1000 so I was just getting an idea of pricing!!

  14. 21 minutes ago, HeyImJamie said:

    Not bad for your first script. :) I'd suggest looking into the OSBot API a little more though as you could replace a lot of your own methods with simpler ones that've been pre-written. For example, to check if your inventory contains bones you can do:

    if (getInventory().contains("Bones"){
    	// bury them
    } else {
    // loot them

    Don't really need a while loop for something that simple :P 


    Okay, thank you for the advice, as time goes by I hope to make my code much more efficient!! <3

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