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  1. if you're still looking for this let me know
  2. This is such a significant change. Awesome work!
  3. Probably best to not include your rsn in a screenie buddy.
  4. May i have a trial before purchase sir?
  5. I assume they're referring to an IP address that doesn't change, AKA a static IP address. Depending on your ISP and where you live, your IP address can generally change every now and then since IPv4 can only hold about 4B different devices at a time (there are over 7B ppl in the world and we have started to gradually adopt IPv6 which fixes this issue, but that's not the point here). Although I'm not personally sure why that would be helpful against bot detection. Somebody can feel free to correct me if I'm wrong
  6. Need the Hard diaries done for the western province diary. Also need 60-75 thieving so 2 separate quotes would be great.
  7. ahh i see, shame. First script purchase i made and this is amazing so far, great work!
  8. I Have the same issue as this user, and restarting mirror mode didn't fix it. However i noticed it only happened when i didn't have the supplies ready for hunting salamanders. Whenever i bought the items myself it worked fine. I also get this when attempting to hop worlds. It was stuck in a loop between switching through the inventory and world selector tab. NFO][Bot #1][08/04 10:44:07 AM]: [SmartHop]: --- SmartHopTask activated --- [INFO][Bot #1][08/04 10:44:07 AM]: [Helper]: [Forced]: All ground items have been collected for position: [x=2447, y=3225, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][08/04 10:44:07 AM]: [Helper]: [Forced]: All ground items have been collected for position: [x=2451, y=3225, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][08/04 10:44:07 AM]: [Helper]: [Forced]: All ground items have been collected for position: [x=2453, y=3219, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][08/04 10:44:08 AM]: [Helper]: There was a problem with OSBot's world-hopper! [INFO][Bot #1][08/04 10:44:08 AM]: [SmartHop]: --- SmartHopTask activated --- [INFO][Bot #1][08/04 10:44:08 AM]: [Helper]: [Forced]: All ground items have been collected for position: [x=2447, y=3225, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][08/04 10:44:08 AM]: [Helper]: [Forced]: All ground items have been collected for position: [x=2451, y=3225, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][08/04 10:44:08 AM]: [Helper]: [Forced]: All ground items have been collected for position: [x=2453, y=3219, z=0] [ERROR][Bot #1][08/04 10:44:09 AM]: Failed to scroll to world 328
  9. Persians

    Stealth NMZ

    may i have another? I haven't been online in a few days. Didn't get a chance to use it
  10. lmk when u do. ill buy it
  11. Solid script, but a few recommendations/bugs Should add an option to use Stamina Pots. Should re-bank after tasks and doesn't. When using Varrock tab to GE, script gets stuck. Also sometimes runs to slay master instead of checking gem for task. Maybe an option to kill particular monsters off task such as brutal's. Should have an option to utilize the slayer helm for checking tasks as well
  12. Persians

    Stealth NMZ

    May i have a trial sir?
  13. What about for brutal black dragons
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