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  1. Hello everyone! I decided it was necessary for me to take a significant amount of time off of RS because of several reasons. 1: It has an impact on my grades. 2: It is on the edge of keeping me from getting an athletics scholarship. 3: It is sucking money out of my bank account. 4: I want to appreciate things in life that are actually real. 5: A videogame shouldn't impact what I do in my day. I'm sure everyone understands and has felt these reasons. I'm disappointed in my lack of self control but I don't think it's smart to continue playing until I have things under control. Obviously I'll be back at some point, however I don't know when. Best of luck! -darth P.S: When I eventually return I will continue my "Darth's Botting Journal" series.
  2. Not an expert by any means BUT I would say like 37.5M. Lots more if it hadn't the ban IMO.
  3. It's one time payment. I highly recommend it!
  4. Not sure what you mean by that. I always use the "anti-pattern" and randomizer options in every script I have. I try to use my own antibans which is simply keeping it humanlike (to the extent of how humanlike a bot can really look.)
  5. Link to last weeks journal: Hey everyone! Here we are with yet another botting journal! I'm pleasantly surprised at how long we've survived in our time botted. Hopefully I didn't just jinx myself by saying that! This week wasn't as much progress as I would have liked. I was sick from Friday morning up till this morning so no botting during that time. I did my best to keep my botting as humanlike as possible and I didn't notice any mistakes that could lead to my ban. I got cleaned at the ole' sand casino which left me kinda depressed. Oh well, I'll bounce back! Always do! Without further ado, here are the stats! https://i.gyazo.com/aa0734781dc89d1c81a786289b1044a7.png As you can see, still no 80+ stats which I'm rather disappointed about. I could have gone for 80 in cooking but I didn't feel like spending money for the wine grapes. Goals for oncoming week: Attack: 70 | Strength: 85 | Defence: 70 | Range: 60 | Magic: 82 | Prayer: 52 | Agility: 60 | Mining: 60 | Fletching: 50 | Crafting: 50 | Herblore: 60 | Fishing: 50 | Thieving: 40 A big load to cover in my opinion! Hopefully it won't be too difficult to do without compromising my 1 1/2 hour rule. A side goal this week is to get my bank back! Let me know if there's anything extra I should put in my journals for the future! Personally I feel like they're rather empty. If you have any questions, please ask! I'll answer them to the best of my ability. That's all for this week. Most importantly, hope everyone has an amazing Christmas! I know a lot of people might be dealing with stress and responsibility. I encourage everyone to slow down and try to enjoy their break. Appreciate what you have and don't forget to count your blessings. Merry Christmas! -Darth
  6. If it my situation, I'd go ahead and assume my account was safe. HOWEVER if the account means ANYTHING to you it's your best option not to bot. That's IMO. GL
  7. LOOOOOOL You've been in my situation a few times then? SPOT ON LMAO
  8. You just put the story of my entire RS career into a small paragraph Solid answer IMO.
  9. I'm not really an expert but personally I'd say like 75-85M?
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