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Everything posted by scriptersteve

  1. i had a 13 def acc, but with loss of slay helm it's defo weaker than 1 def pures
  2. don't do it in f2p: i had a 500 alch recording - got 99 mage on 3 accs in mems no problem decided to alch 94-99 mage in f2p using same script and got insta perm on a 1600 total X D but otherwise do it in members and you'll be fine - i'd stick to alching at g.e world 2
  3. bans should expire after ~~ 2 years. My main had a 2day on from ~~3 years ago - never botted it since and it's now fully green Agility is uber high ban rate - if you're going to do it. Make sure you get a paid script and slow runtimes
  4. think there were some people looking for an account like this
  5. lol thanks guys :D, this is going to be next weekends project after my uni deadline on Friday I do like how you always use the fancy methods, mine are about 5x longer but atleast they do also work :')
  6. I already have 3 other scripts i want to release to get scripter I
  7. Here is what GUI looks like atm: any feedback would be cool, yes i know it is possible to add 0 of a potion but script takes account of this and it doesn't matter. May end up setting minimum quanity as 1 those for neatness
  8. Doesn't flick prayer at the moment but it's something i want to look into adding as it would increase the profit alot, wouldn't know where to start on adding atm though
  9. Yeah, which is why i didn't want to crash his sales as haven't put any range support in mine at all. This one is melee only: it also has both the normal tzhaar area and the new firecape one, as well as dhing/guthaning e.t.c. It's just a project i am working on and was wondering if there was any desire for it.
  10. Hi guys, I am in the process of making a tzhaar fighting script: Has the following GUI. Selectable area: normal or firecape Extra armours: Supports Dharoking and Guthans if guthans obviously re-equips normal gear after healed up. Prayer: Supports praying, can be all combinations. Melee prayer + ultimate str or melee +piety or just piety: whatever you choose. Customisable banking: withdraws food,potions that you desire. randomised fight positions. Loots everything required. Banks to optimise effeciency, i.e if using prayer pots and str pots it'll bank when it runs outa either. Couple of proggies from my newb account: it was 60 atk 40 def 78 str at time of doing script and was only using prot melee prayer (now 69 atk and 40 def):- panic support, if guthaning and hp drops below certain value will eat a food. ~~the usual moving mouse outside screen rubbish for 'antiban', not that i think it makes a difference https://gyazo.com/43335947288692b014eeff0ea3ad9a95 https://gyazo.com/ade8eeb83287a81854acb4ecfa455f18 https://gyazo.com/0e643e1aa276adbb80e778f8655dac68 https://gyazo.com/9af9303f060c934136b61a64a05f7587 ~~first cape https://gyazo.com/75b0ce7a4ad22e3c0cf407551a281178 Firecape Tzhaar area is about 220k/hr. (AVERAGE) Normal one is about 100k/hr. (AVERAGE) Is this a script people would eventually pay for and if so how much?
  11. I thought of that, was thinking about brutal blues/reds script and you can be 'safespotting' one whilst standing next to another. https://gyazo.com/0f6f6c62c23552d51b6a97c90fe0d089 not sure what you mean?
  12. Find latest version, wasn't going to release until i got SDN access but it's taking so long figure why not: Current link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/awrx4vtxjdl6dos/Cyclops.jar?dl=0 If you want it to alch drops: place nats and fire runes in inventory. Automatically uses super str/att/def potions if u have them in the bank. Banks when out of food. eats food to make space for looting. Loots 'valueable' drops. If you want it to do dragon defender - ensure rune defender is in your inventory. Has got me 2 d defs so far although i only added the D def from rune after i got my 2nd d def so it's untested but think it should work so long as webwalking finds it ok If you like the script and enjoy it, please feel free to donate me RSGP, Only use it for bonding my accounts. Don't play other than for bot writing so my gp stash is low, especially when i spend time on scripts like this which don't really make any money
  13. I was wondering if there is a way to find out how i am being attacked. For example, when being attacked by say a dragon, i want to be ranging it and praying mage. How can i see whether my player is fighting it in melee range or ranging range, i looked at the API on Combat and couldn't see anything. Currently, my only thought was to make a big array of 'safe' tiles and just force the bot to move to one of them. However, if the player didn't need to move and it moved anyway, i feel that would look bot-like. Anyway your feedback is appreciated.
  14. Think its to do with client bug? was working on previous build and is brekaing on my line 299 which involves players code, should be fixed in next build i'd assume
  15. Weird, I don't really wanna release my current one just yet, it has banking, alching, looting and dragon def supported
  16. scriptersteve


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  17. I wasn't going to release my better version of the script just yet ( has alching banking looting e.t.c) but the one above should just do basically functionality did u try again?
  18. Where did you hit start you need to click it o the GUI
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