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  1. z10n

    Future of OSBot

    1. Human Mouse movements. 2. Undetectable Client loading, this would probably mean a Computer Vision bot or Color Bot, or some undetectable Injection or Reflection method. To bypass Client detection.
  2. z10n

    2 Questions

    1. How does the "new mouse" compare to the default mouse movements? 1A. Does the Hardware mouse use a human mouse movements? The Hardware Mouse looks almost exactly like a human. * By the way, the Hardware Mouse can click on the OSBot advertisement banner and load an add, and stops the bot. 2. How do I display the mouse? Its invisible on some scripts and I'd like a way to see the mouse at all times. Thank you
  3. z10n

    Future of OSBot

    I actually, massivly prefer forums, and dislike Discord. Forums: High quality posts, last for years visibily. Discord: spam messages, memes, then the message scroll up as new message are made, and old messages are almost never seen again. Forums are vastly superior to discord in every way.
  4. Hi guys, whats the future progression of OSBot planned for?
  5. What is the "new mouse"? How does the default mouse compare to the "new mouse"?
  6. Hey, I was wondering if you could check Jagex's current files place on users computers to ensure this tool can delete them all, just making sure its up to date, thanks. THanks for the tool btw.
  7. requesting lifetime pro edition buy ability. thanks guys
  8. using linux, click start button on tut island custom script gui ,it doesnt start the script
  9. I made an account on a clean IP, played legit to 41 WC and 10/10/10 atk, str, def. account was about 2 days old. Then I started botting Woodcutting using 2 premium WC scripts, only botted 2 hours with each script, 4 hours total, today, I am Banned. I was in a far-away place, where player-reports were unlikely. I assume now Client-Detection is the biggest detection factor in botting. I'll now try to bot, using only Mirror-mode etc. Thanks =)
  10. 'doing a task for too long' This is significant, variate your tasks botted.
  11. Is this memory scanning for RS2007 or RS3? Perhaps we can Sandbox the Jagex client so the Jagex Client can't scan our computers memory, or spoof it.
  12. Great job OP, about the bans, my friend was banned after botting for 2 weeks straight (with breaks, but the same activity and didnt play legit within those 2 weeks). I belive the reason you got detected is the activity, real players, will randomly do new things, such as rotate the screen , examine items, have random AFKs, talk to people, open quest guides in-game, open world map, walk places and talk to people. Whereas the bot is singularily focused on its one objective, in this case mining tin. I think if you had moved to a different mine, a different ore, and or botted less hours per day, such as 4-6 hours per day instead of 10 hours per day, you may of not been banned. Also I agree, instead of Randomization, we should isntead focus on 'Human Timing/Human Emulation'. Because as you said, random delays +/- 10% variance become easily plotted onto a graph.
  13. Been using this bot since 2017, been getting better and better, however, I'd like to see some optional anti-bans which would be easy to add: 1. Random, configurable, variable AFKs. 2. and, Where did Anti-Patterning go? 3. The bot will click to 'use' a log, and will try to shift-drop the rest of the inventory, leading to bot-like behaivor of the bot failing to shift-drop the inventory. The bot will correct the 'use'-selected log once the end of the inventory is reached, but it is bot like to always attempt to shift-drop once a log has been accidentally clicked/used. A Real player would reset the 'used' log instantly, and then continue dropping.
  14. Bump! Still using the MacroCutter, would hope to see more human mouse movements, but script is stable.
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