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Hashtag Sk00n

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  • Interests
    Some hobbies include:
    - Gigantism
    - Unsinking the titanic
    - Reading to baby deer
    - Being invincible.


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Hashtag Sk00n's Achievements

Black Poster

Black Poster (5/10)



  1. - What is your Skype?: added you already - What service do you need?: 70-80 thieving - Payment method? (rsgp/btc): rsgp - Do you agree to my TOS?: Yes
  2. What did your charge? So I can get a baseline quote
  3. Looking for a verified service that can complete full rogues outfit.
  4. Price check on 60-86 thieving? Food and teles will be supplied.
  5. Skype id: I will contact you order: 44-70 hunter Price: not yet Do I agree to terms of service: Yes.
  6. Range/Defence/HP/Prayer levels: 61 range 99 hp 99 hp 75 prayer Do you agree to ToS: Yes Skype: Will add you and specify identity through Skype
  7. What Order do you need : 56-70 Agility Will you fb me/vouch on thread? : Yes Did you add me on skype?: Yes already aranged. Was hoping to have started by now but you must be busy. I will be re-available to pay and begin the process On October 11 at about 11pm EST Just finished my order of 56-70 agil. Took about 3 days and didnt need bank pin. Lookin good
  8. Hello, I am currently maxed melee but very very low range (below 50) and wanted to know if anybody offers melee firecapes? Shouldn't be too hard with maxed gear. Potential prices?
  9. So I have been with osbot for quite a while, and with every script I have ever used I always notice the same anti-ban techniques; checking stat experience, clicking other tabs, camera rotation. This question is meant for challenge for others to learn from (as well as myself): Can you move the camera using a middle click and drag function? That is how I move my camera while playing and thought that even the most advanced scripts do not use this method.
  10. You da best I'll get on testing asap
  11. Been a few weeks since I used this. Did you ever make a "fletch kebbit bolts" option for prickly kebbit hunting? Naturally it drops all the kebbit spikes after 20 are in the inventory (or full inventory), when you can fletch them for minimal experience (6 fletching exp per spike). This is extremely useful for iron men like myself to use as ammunition.
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