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  1. Made me a fully automated script working with a database for 900m. Working perfectly! Awesome support and an awesome dude to talk to! Highly recommended to all! 10/10
  2. Yo @Chris! When is the update live? Do you know?
  3. Hi, Just bought your Excellent Dragons Script, liked the script when it was running, but it only runs once if i start it with the Brutal Dragons or at the south of the rope at the bank and it will do a full bag then bank at the north bank and stop the script. If i start the script again at the north bank with pots and food in the bag it opens the bank and deposit the food then stopping. Logger output: https://pastebin.com/940GKfT0 Status in the paint: Gif of what the bot is doing at the end https://gyazo.com/1140e51d08ce5cbdccdaac33f7ad9821 Which mode you are doing(Dragon | Location): Brutal Black dragons Gui settings: https://gyazo.com/ca9d9c9a26d6fc153cb3f6549c6e3c5c https://gyazo.com/894f2f58bb8fcfc950e8c0152e8b08a8 https://gyazo.com/ff0b34338a02c6a0ecb0accd86ff3b73 Gear setup: https://gyazo.com/c12168aaeb31d38e2c1af3b47a6bdfcd
  4. Would like to have a Trial. Thanks.
  5. Hi, love the script, but i have the same problem as shootout234, can't get the map to load to select a custom wc location, just stays at Loading map [surface.txt]. tryed it in low resource mode but still no go. Any help @Czar? https://gyazo.com/fd5dd8618942e08fb2696e3472be632a Thanks.
  6. Could i get a Trial? Thanks
  7. Could i get a Trial? Thanks.
  8. mAtteX

    Fruity NMZ

    Could i get a Trial? Thanks.
  9. Was hoping for a Trial. Thanks
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