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  1. Is it able to make the potions now?
  2. Need 62-75 thieving from blackjacking. Hand trained. No botting.
  3. .50 per mil BTC only will use middleman if needed.
  4. Genuinely bad customer service from "Achilles" on the website, then management continues with this type of behavior. When I tried to sell 800m gold and asked them rates they stated I was being "pushy" when asked and continued to fight me, then blamed me for "victimizing" myself. Then he quickly kicked me from the chat. Later, I asked to chat with a manager and this happened: https://gyazo.com/7608a892b5c6adced4b6e41ca5422e7e I would recommend avoiding this website. Absolutely despicable customer service. When I tried to inform them of the lack of professionalism: https://gyazo.com/67b0245c52ac8a9a17c757cd30ca8515 Transcript of the chat: https://pastebin.com/4jAfLVZf
  5. Selling 72M for Ethereum will go first if you're trusted rate: 0.94 per mil
  6. Odysseus


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