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  1. i'm very sad...got banned man, botted less than 4 hours a day with breaks :'( that sucks, i was so happy with the results.... bad luck i guess
  2. Hey!, my trial end well, i liked the script and end buying it ;p i thought the same while i was triying it bc when i do afk training i almost never drop vials, it's just simpler to deposit all at bank, plus i can have them if i need to split pots later. ofc it's not a big deal i still bought it without that feature
  3. that's pointless when question is well explained like this one
  4. well this is my first post and those coments makes me think that this is a forum full of little ugly virgins or something alike , anyways thank you for share your story, very helpfull i'm going to try the same as you, 2-3 suicide accs per proxy to see if it survive a week, that would be great
  5. that proxy have already survived for 2 days. ofc acounts have not but that's not the point since it's suicide botting that wasn't my question o.O
  6. Hello wise and sexy people! So, how long do you think a single proxy will survive until i cannot use it anymore (idk if that's posible), if i suicide bot 4 -5 accounts on it everyday on jagex non working hours? thanks ;)
  7. Maybe you set those breaks by mistake on options ?, if not, try to delete OSBot folder on C:/Users/your user. and run it again
  8. hey! nice advance man... are you gonna use dragon armor with dragon longsword on the 3rd one when 60/60/60?
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