Although their actions are deserant, your actions won't be in the good side either.
You wouldn't have a good standing on it either, so if a service between A & B is done correctly then let it be even if B is..well a Bitch.
They probably added it to prevent bot farming or whatever.
The max is probably 30 give or take that area depending on how fast/often they were created.
I personally never had an instance like this, so this is just my theory/guess.
Source code behind this is a bit messy, missing a few key stuff like
Player movement
Entity interactions
Chat input
Emote performing
Stuff like that make it more realistic, although Jagex won't look to ban someone to afk botting for whatever reason that may even be.
Good job on your efforts, hope your code gets cleaner as you go along.
I'm not looking for a pure account I more a less want a main account with items or an account that has suitable items to make a quick main.
Just curious to see what 50$ can generally give back.
I can when I state that it's and either or case in which the assumption is based on the specified user.
In which it's more common sense to realize that fishing is more afk than fast. but kk
Cooking, Firemaking, Woodcutting, even Fishing are the ideal fastest capes or afkable capes to obtain as well as others.
Just lots of hard work and time to do the mission of achieving 99. Watch a movie to solve the boredom issue, etc.