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About city22

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Bronze Poster

Bronze Poster (2/10)



  1. thank you, been running it for maybe 20 mins now and it stops after I grow a level anyway you can fix this? im doing range btw
  2. whats the ban rate on this?
  3. city22

    Stealth Quester

    trying to do the dwarf cannon quest keeps walking bank to bank
  4. did you ever fix this i am having the same problem
  5. also changed the permissons on ssh
  6. city22

    MirrorClient v2.5

    @randomguru run osbot normal and then you will see this select mirror then make sure you have like oldschool runescape client runnning in background
  7. city22

    OSBot 2.5.8

    Thank you my dude
  8. Thank you for statement stop the new people making thread every 5 mins
  9. just wait for it no point on making all these threads thank p.s here for post count
  10. city22

    Fruity NMZ

    i would get 75 for blowpipe if i was you
  11. city22

    Fruity NMZ

    progress so far love it thank you started at 70 , 70 , 70
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