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ByteStack last won the day on September 11 2019

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  1. You're inferring something not there, I don't believe him. That's the end of it.
  2. Weird unrelated analogy. Didn't say it doesn't happen, I just don't believe it happened to them
  3. What's the ban reason? Never caught a chain ban in my life. If it's macroing, I don't believe you didn't bot tbh, ESPECIALLY if it's a perma. Hundreds, if not thousands, of accounts deep and this hasn't happened to anyone I know
  4. Ooo fresh black chin script, looking forward to seeing the long proggies!
  5. Recovered an old username account of mine and took a look at the account history. Jagex had a lot of patience back in the day. I was a dice host in SM, so caught a lot of these bans on my accounts
  6. If you run on an account that manually started rune mysteries prior to the script and the air talisman is no longer on the account, the script will constantly talk to the wizard in the basement as if it has the talisman when it does not. Enjoying the script otherwise, glad to be back to OSBot after a long break
  7. Perfection, as always Eagle
  8. Update 10/11/2019: I'm putting this update here at the top because I believe it's pretty important to start off with. I've begun the process of moving the site to a publicly accessible domain! I'm looking to find people who are interested in testing the dashboard, these people must be script writers as there are no publicly available scripts that have the code required to update my database. Feel free to PM me about it. It's late and I intend to work on this over the weekend, but I felt like a short post would be good after being MIA for so long.
  9. Thank you both! I've been busy with real life stuff so no changes have been made. Hopefully I'll get some time to work on it more next weekend
  10. Thanks! Unfortunately nope, no Discord from me. But I am part of the OSBot Scripting Discord: https://discord.gg/VGmXu47 I'm not as active in there as I'd like to be, I think I've said maybe 3-4 things since I joined, if not less, but there's some pretty cool people in there if you have questions. @Chris is the owner of that. The site uses CSS, HTML, PHP, and jQuery. I'm only just picking up AJAX so I might not be able to answer many of your questions, I'm sure you'll pass me quite quickly with formal training, but you're free to PM me here or maybe @Fratem will be able to help! Best of luck!
  11. Added update for 09/17/2019. If my understanding of setTimeout and setInterval are correct then that would be about as effective as the auto refresh that I had happening before. If an account is logged in and actively updating then awesome, but if there's no accounts online and then one comes online then you'll have to refresh the page to get it started again. It's not a huge deal, but I'd like to figure out why the memory leak is happening since everything I've found indicates that it shouldn't be a thing. I have a theory, but I haven't looked into it since I wanted to work on the other things I posted about. I very much appreciate your comments, you've been a great help
  12. More simple than expected. I'll likely implement this, or something like this in the future. It would get around the need to refresh when going from 0 bots online since I only auto-refresh when at least one client is running. Cheers
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