Bug reports not in this format will be ignored:
Script Version: v1.0.31
OSBot Version: 2.6.26
Stealth Injection or Mirror mode: mirror
Brief description of the issue: is continuously trying to grab new task even after task has already been grabbed.
Stack trace and or contents of Logger:
Screenshot where it got stuck: https://i.postimg.cc/RF58pXtp/Untitled.png
Should be easy fix mate. It's the main reason people buy a slayer script vs running an auto fighter is for them to tie between tasks correctly. Most everything else is looking clean. Somebody a few posts ago said if you manually spam the gem "check" it updates the game config and script continues, but the script needs to do this so that a person doesn't have to and being afk having your account spam "get task" will most likely get account banned quickly. I'd argue that it's a little crazy to get mad at previous customers pointing out the issue since you took their money for the product and it didn't work correctly where it equals somethin on your end and looks bad for business. Developers handle meticulous things so when the consumer gives you money it works out of the box, instead of having to read a fine print and print out things exactly your custom way to get your thing to work that they paid you for.
GUI is nice. Able to customize everything and save profile per task. The traveling options are nice. Can't tell if it supports rune teleports or not yet, would be useful for ironman. I haven't been able to check if the script is able to only loot the monsters my player has killed. These are the main things that would make this script one of the best scripts for ironman accounts (which is most of the games player base now).