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  1. 1.8gb on an idle client, the rest are running project's hunter.
  2. Remove ALL VERSIONS of java. Re-install the version of Java specific to your OS type (32-bit or 65-bit) http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jre8-downloads-2133155.html 32-bit = 'x86' 64-bit = 'x64' Ensure your set the path variable for your system after installation. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1672281/environment-variables-for-java-installation
  3. re-run the java installation. looks as though there maybe be some issues with Java's core files
  4. Try using your email to login (if its an old username account)
  5. 1) I personally try not to use libraries is non-runnable jar files. I'm not 100% positive on this, but maybe classes aren't being extracted from the library since the script isn't "runnable" 2) I believe there are other components which are dependencies of HttpComponents, their website should mention which ones. Download the source and put the extracted files in /src
  6. Try adding the source to your project instead of linking the dependency. This should also allow it on the SDN, as long as Alek doesn't say no to it. http://hc.apache.org/downloads.cgi
  7. sexy but overkill sometimes. even low cpu mode doesn't change much. oh well the last 20 hrs have ran fine as long as the bot doesn't have to walk anywhere
  8. Since every1 keeps asking me this its because i work for someone on a certain project, therefore having access to their VPS which -- surprise has their acc logged in. The only farming I do is stress testing new features.
  9. Yeah i dont get this at all. Literally no code change from .38 to .41 on my end and its consistently bugging out. idk man just kinda annoying. Won't even get 50% return on my cost this weekend
  10. Not a script issue. .38 I was getting runtimes of 30+ hours, the only thing to change was the client. It's even happening with project pacts hunter. If you looked at my recent web walker link I'm 100% positive its related to that in one of my scripts -- because i caught the client (again) stuck for over 6 hours trying to go through a gate it can't handle instead of walking +5 steps to go around..
  11. I'm specifically talk about the last 3-ish updates. The client crashes on me all the time now, especially in scripts that override break handler or utilize web walking. I caught 1 client using over 17.5gb of ram and all it was doing was walking... Also it seems to not wanna auto start a small percentage of time. Just wondering if anyone else is having this problem? Hard to do a bit of weekend farming when i've gotta restart every client every hour or so..literally only gotten 15hrs of runtime in the last 28 hrs on my hunters because the ram usage spikes to over 2gb or cpu usage goes up to 30%+ per client..
  12. Hi! Few things, first if you're using a proxy, ensure that it is not only working, but is SOCKS5 If you are under windows please paste the code below into notepad and save it as "run osbot.bat" in the same folder as your osbot jar >There are some modifications necessary for this code to run properly, ensure you've made these changes! "OSBot.jar" needs to be changed to whatever the name of your OSBot jar is, such as "osbot 2.4.138.jar" OSBOT_USERNAME and OSBOT_PASSWORD will need to be changed to whatever your login details are remember the colon between the 2 Please get post back a screenshot of the black console window. @echo off java -Xmx1024M -jar "OSBot.jar" -login OSBOT_USERNAME:OSBOT_PASSWORD -debug 5010
  13. In your logger, have you seen at all errors pertaining to RandomSolver AND any of these scripts overriding osbot break manager?
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