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  1. private void lightFire() { if (standingOnFire()) { getEmptyPosition().ifPresent(position -> { WalkingEvent walkingEvent = new WalkingEvent(position); walkingEvent.setMinDistanceThreshold(0); execute(walkingEvent); }); } else if (!"Tinderbox".equals(getInventory().getSelectedItemName())) { getInventory().getItem("Tinderbox").interact("Use"); } else if (getInventory().getItem("Logs").interact()) { Position playerPos = myPosition(); Sleep.sleepUntil(() -> !myPosition().equals(playerPos), 10_000, 600); } } private boolean standingOnFire() { return getObjects().singleFilter(getObjects().getAll(), obj -> obj.getPosition().equals(myPosition()) && obj.getName().equals("Fire")) != null; } private Optional<Position> getEmptyPosition() { List<Position> allPositions = myPlayer().getArea(10).getPositions(); // Remove any position with an object (except ground decorations, as they can be walked on) for (RS2Object object : getObjects().getAll()) { if (object instanceof GroundDecoration) { continue; } allPositions.removeIf(position -> object.getPosition().equals(position)); } allPositions.removeIf(position -> !getMap().canReach(position)); return allPositions.stream().min(Comparator.comparingInt(p -> myPosition().distance(p))); } Take a look at this! From @Explv's AIO.
  2. If your IP address is flagged you will get locked/banned when doing R&J from my experience. Either find unflagged proxies, find a method that doesn't need 7qp or go bot p2p.
  3. Buy proxy and unlock accounts when they get locked.
  4. I created accounts like this: email+1@gmail.com, email+2@gmail.com It sent me the links for confirming the email, but not the links for unlocking. Did Jagex change something? I tried verifying before lock too, didn't work. Any ideas? EDIT: lol I'm stupid, didn't even check spam inbox since other emails came straight to inbox.
  5. The bots all have to be clients, can't run a server from within script. I think making it multi-threaded is your best bet.
  6. The bot has been cutting trees (no input = idle) for 5? minutes causing it to get logged out for being idle.
  7. Maybe this can help: https://osbot.org/forum/topic/145029-10-minute-scripts-make-an-aio-agility-script-in-10-minutes/
  8. Happy to see you fixed it!
  9. Make sure you implement MessageListener like this: public class ScriptClass extends Script implements MessageListener and also add: getBot().addMessageListener(this); to your onStart().
  10. Remember to not bot too much and use breaks, good luck!
  11. https://2captcha.com/2captcha-api#invisible
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