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Bronze Poster (2/10)



  1. I have the same problem it keeps logging out after running out of food at master farmer when out of food (inventory, bank still has food) it will click the minimap to the bank then log out immediately
  2. Mikkoz

    Stealth Quester

    Could I get another auth please
  3. Mikkoz

    Stealth Quester

    Could I get another auth please? and how long does it last anyway?
  4. How can I use the rogue chest option???
  5. Mikkoz

    Stealth Quester

    It sat there for a while until I closed it. I can try to replicate the bug with another account and let you know .
  6. Mikkoz

    Stealth Quester

    First bug report: After completing The Restless Ghost, it doesn't close the quest complete interface and so is unable to start walking to the next location ( door is closed ) [iNFO][bot #1][02/27 01:56:00 ip.]: WebWalkingEvent; Could not execute! next = Walk => [x=3246, y=3193, z=0]; ready = { [null, null, null, null, null,........
  7. Mikkoz

    Stealth Quester

    Exciting... Would like to try it out if possible?
  8. Don't give up!!! When my main acc was banned, I decided to fight back and I shall never stop!!!!
  9. Stall thieving in Ardougne kinda broken: https://youtu.be/CLQ73VPr9_k If I start the script on the side where there are no guards (silk stall) it still eventually moves to the wrong side where guards can see me.
  10. 10/10 script! Cant wait for blackjacking (Ive got 43-64 now using this)
  11. I have botted 2 accounts to 50+, I don't think you will get banned
  12. - Mirror or regular client? Both - Running abyss or normal altars? Lava RoD - What is your setup? (Food, teleport method, obstacles used, pouches used, all you know the better) No potions, earth talisman, no pouches - Printscreen with the Osbot console enabled and script paint when getting stuck. No error in console, Status: Withdrawing pure essence It keeps trying to withdraw pure essence.
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