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  1. @Tokenthis is an example of trying to do waterfall quest [INFO][Bot #1][02/22 02:48:38 PM]: started in normal mode [INFO][Bot #1][02/22 02:48:38 PM]: items to buy: , Earth rune, Lobster, Rope, Falador teleport [INFO][Bot #1][02/22 02:48:38 PM]: estimated required money: 1861 [INFO][Bot #1][02/22 02:48:38 PM]: identifying price for: Earth rune [INFO][Bot #1][02/22 02:48:38 PM]: estimated next offer value: 344 [INFO][Bot #1][02/22 02:48:38 PM]: preparing inventory [INFO][Bot #1][02/22 02:48:38 PM]: withdrawing coins [INFO][Bot #1][02/22 02:49:01 PM]: exchange not finished [INFO][Bot #1][02/22 02:49:01 PM]: position: [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]; next: Waterfall Quest; queue: 1; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false [INFO][Bot #1][02/22 02:49:01 PM]: started in normal mode [INFO][Bot #1][02/22 02:49:01 PM]: items to buy: , Earth rune, Lobster, Rope, Falador teleport [INFO][Bot #1][02/22 02:49:01 PM]: estimated required money: 1861 [INFO][Bot #1][02/22 02:49:01 PM]: identifying price for: Earth rune [INFO][Bot #1][02/22 02:49:01 PM]: estimated next offer value: 344 [INFO][Bot #1][02/22 02:49:01 PM]: preparing inventory [INFO][Bot #1][02/22 02:49:01 PM]: withdrawing coins [INFO][Bot #1][02/22 02:49:34 PM]: exchange not finished [INFO][Bot #1][02/22 02:49:34 PM]: position: [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]; next: Waterfall Quest; queue: 1; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false [INFO][Bot #1][02/22 02:49:34 PM]: started in normal mode [INFO][Bot #1][02/22 02:49:34 PM]: items to buy: , Earth rune, Lobster, Rope, Falador teleport [INFO][Bot #1][02/22 02:49:34 PM]: estimated required money: 1861 [INFO][Bot #1][02/22 02:49:34 PM]: identifying price for: Earth rune [INFO][Bot #1][02/22 02:49:34 PM]: estimated next offer value: 344 [INFO][Bot #1][02/22 02:49:34 PM]: preparing inventory [INFO][Bot #1][02/22 02:49:34 PM]: withdrawing coins [INFO][Bot #1][02/22 02:50:03 PM]: exchange not finished [INFO][Bot #1][02/22 02:50:03 PM]: position: [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]; next: Waterfall Quest; queue: 1; member: true; mirror: false; input: false, resized: false [INFO][Bot #1][02/22 02:50:03 PM]: started in normal mode [INFO][Bot #1][02/22 02:50:03 PM]: items to buy: , Earth rune, Lobster, Rope, Falador teleport [INFO][Bot #1][02/22 02:50:03 PM]: estimated required money: 1861 [INFO][Bot #1][02/22 02:50:03 PM]: identifying price for: Earth rune [INFO][Bot #1][02/22 02:50:03 PM]: estimated next offer value: 344 [INFO][Bot #1][02/22 02:50:03 PM]: preparing inventory [INFO][Bot #1][02/22 02:50:03 PM]: withdrawing coins
  2. I forgot to get log but it evaluates the price of an item and then says something like "exchange not finished" after wthdrawing gp from bank. It then loops by depositing gp and then re-withdraws. I'll try to get log tomorrow but happens so far for witches potion, witches house, imp catcher, cooks assistant, druidic ritual. Not sure if it's happening on others as I gave up tonight. Will try again tomorrow.
  3. hey bro! an auth would be great! discord is Hula#0001
  4. banned on 3 accounts on using this wth lol. no other scripts used.
  5. Hey -- what is CLI and what are the benefits of using this rather than from opening a client?
  6. Let me know if you need a beta tester.
  7. I bought this script and the Custom Break Manager is broken... Getting same error as the guy above is getting.. Sigh.
  8. In my Orders, I see 3 pending VIP but card charged for 1 @ 9.99 1- hours ago but still not VIP, and not sure why. Do you guys add it to that section even though I haven't actually paid for it but label it as 'pending'? Anyways, I got charged only 1 time 10 hours ago @ 9.99 but I'm still member and not VIP. I even see a couple of 'cancelled' orders for hotgoblin and aio agility that I never bought before. My card didn't charge it so I'm not worried about those. Can an admin take a look at these weird transactions? Thanks. Jan 31 @ 9.99 - I didn't charge for this. 22 hours ago @ 9.99 - I didn't charge for this. 10 hours ago @ 9.99 - Card charged this.
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