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About Morabot

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  1. So for example, I want to start with Khal tutorial, moving to Monkis bank seller, then I can manually buy iron scim, then I want to run cow-killer, cooking script then have them use monkis bank seller once again. I can manually buy better armour then move to Cow Killer once again. Then after that I want to use the Khal Quest script to do the 10qp for f2p. Any CLI guides?
  2. I can start working on this now if you want.
  3. I want to start an account store. I can sell the following: High level Agility (1-99) BF Ready Accounts Zulrah Ready Accounts Pure/Staker Accounts What are the prices of these and what are some other account build/prices?
  4. How much per non-trade restricted account? f2p
  5. Did you guys have fun? 3 days is a long vacation at a water park! Hope all is well!
  6. Most gold farming sites are paying .35/.36 currently. Let me know if your mind changes.
  7. If you end up dropping the price a bit, message me on discord. SpecialistInNothing#2654
  8. Morabot

    Stealth Quester

    I was doing Waterfall and for some reason it's not thinking I own any Games Necklace(8) but I now own 14 of them haha.... Script just keeps buying then turning off.
  9. Understandable - While yes it makes sense, they tend to go through a different OOO
  10. You won't get too much for this account. I'm thinking maybe 30m
  11. 100m+ Easily! Better then Wintertodt
  12. They are not worth much at all. You may be-able to snag 5-7m depending on the buyer, but finding a sufficient buyer is going to be the issue.
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