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Everything posted by payton9812

  1. Right on , I think we are getting closer to a breakthough.
  2. hmm im not sure i understand, please help me by replying to my response
  3. thanks!, hope this appreciation isn't too spammy
  4. Does this support teleport tabs for banking?
  5. Can you omit "Baby blue dragons" im trying to camp a safe spot with X1 blue dragon and it only keeps attacking baby dragons. Edit: nvm its because of my lower level :P
  6. Is there no option to use faldor tele tabs to bank blue dragons? If no, would be sick
  7. I run x5 clients on my little 8gb intel celery 1800mhz laptop at 100% cpu laggin but job gets done. XD
  8. incoming proggy. I'm making a couple 1 def pures to try as slaves, next. Well see how that goes.
  9. Nice, giving this a try tonight. Any more official proggys?
  10. I'm counting 4 days bonds wasted times the amount of accounts.
  11. Recent jamflex server issues/osbot updates has cost me to date. X4 days bonds x 20mems = 14.857 million pesos runescapes + daily profit losses = 204m!!! post your losses below
  12. I think this is just a more local problem you're having granting, I have seen this as i mentioned I had 20+ acc's locked. I just wouldn't speak for the entire community when stating what is and isn't possible for them and with there set ups. I would also like to remind of this answer from jagex FAQ on bans. " We also apply bans at varying dates and times so we don't tip off developers of cheating tools to 'learn' what has triggered any ban. " In other words a ban/lock time and date is or could be totally random and untraceable to any specific cause.
  13. I have not found this to be certain, I have botted tutorial island using socks proxy in browser and same proxies to bot tutorial and have 10+ p2p ac'sc still going 7 days later, And note I created some accounts on tor browser the day before the one's mentioned and had them "locked" so its not because I missed an update.
  14. i had this problem when creating accs on TorBrowser, Went back to using Mx5 browser with socks and his stopped., I also bot on proxies within the same regions.
  15. no, there's no way that an rdp client could be detected on runescape.
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