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Trade With Caution
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About handi

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  1. If your ip is flagged, every macro ban is perm ;)
  2. Same shit every thursday, sit back watch a movie and wait for devs to push an update.
  3. handi

    Stealth Quester

    I haven't made a preset, idk how it happened then
  4. handi

    Stealth Quester

    Default preset contains the dagger? In that case, it probably was the issue
  5. handi

    Stealth Quester

    I don't have a preset, but i think it was because i didn't have the required level for earth strike. Used one of the quick starts and it worked after it did imp catcher.
  6. handi

    Stealth Quester

    Wtf why does it try to equip an adamant dagger when im doing waterfall quest + witch's house and level 1 in combat stats... lame...
  7. handi


    fine.. making my own...
  8. handi


    I think it's a funny neg tbh
  9. handi


    smh, i'll be going first shut it
  10. handi


    Can't get a refund for getting yourself banned lol, i've gotten multiple capes no issue.
  11. handi

    Zulrah account

    I'm only buying, will be going first is that against TOS?
  12. handi

    Zulrah account

    Well i can only pay for mage/range levels as it's the only ones that really matter so it wouldn't be worth it to you
  13. handi

    Zulrah account

    Zulrah account not, special builds.
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