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Skyline GTR

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Iron Poster

Iron Poster (3/10)



  1. I would like a trial if possible
  2. Australia has 2 million legal firearm owners we seem to be just fine. I don't believe banning guns is the answer i think there is a culture problem in the USA with guns. New Zealand has access to semi automatic rifles and suppressors and you don't see the same gun violence there
  3. how much money do i need to leave on the account for the 7 QP?
  4. It happens every time unfortunately, not using a proxy either? V1 was never an issue which is strange? if shoot through the bug report page again managed to lose it
  5. Kill count, kills per/hr, average kill time, profit per/hr and profit arnt working on the gui? deaths are though. This is in v2 whats the go do you think?
  6. Anyone running it safely at the moment?
  7. Thats okay, i just use my own methods to get them to 85/85
  8. how long are people able to bot for? cant seem to see those long proggies anymore
  9. 70 def 75 Range 75 Magic 15 agility NMZ access Let me know a price? buying 3-5 depends on price
  10. It doesnt happen anymore. Which is handy for us if you manage to only get a 2 day
  11. Exactly as this - quashing will work most of the time but not 100%
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