ive made $1k but stopped when i lost $300. This was about 2 years go. Whos doing this? And would u recommend? Kinda want to spesialize in currency but i need more knowledge
Lemme tell you this. If you get banned dont be sad. Expect this, there is a risk at getting banned. I cannot tell you how many of my accounts got banned. Really good ones aspecially but ive learned a lot from this on what to do and what not to do. It has saved me a lot of time and a lot of bans . Still there is chance at getting banned. Do a good planning too. If your botting farm plan requires good accounts and u wish to level them by urself u should then set up a little plan on such as how many days this should take u to level up this specific account. If you expect to get say 70 magic, 60 range with 40/40/40 in a day then ud probably get banned Invest some time and u should look forward to get those mils Good luck
Whats usually important for the buyer when it comes to barrows accounts? say 75 range and magic, what about defence prayer and quests? Hence what would a price be?