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Everything posted by Norscax

  1. ive made $1k but stopped when i lost $300. This was about 2 years go. Whos doing this? And would u recommend? Kinda want to spesialize in currency but i need more knowledge
  2. aprox 10 accounts on a short time creation, give it aprox 30-60 break and u should be good to go
  3. There's no derivation but it means darling/loving one in arabic
  4. ive encountered this error after 10 accounts
  5. It the "max amount of accounts per ip u can make" error. Give it a 30-60 min break and u should be able to create new ones again
  6. Lemme tell you this. If you get banned dont be sad. Expect this, there is a risk at getting banned. I cannot tell you how many of my accounts got banned. Really good ones aspecially but ive learned a lot from this on what to do and what not to do. It has saved me a lot of time and a lot of bans . Still there is chance at getting banned. Do a good planning too. If your botting farm plan requires good accounts and u wish to level them by urself u should then set up a little plan on such as how many days this should take u to level up this specific account. If you expect to get say 70 magic, 60 range with 40/40/40 in a day then ud probably get banned Invest some time and u should look forward to get those mils Good luck
  7. East varrock bank: the script sometimes missclicks on the strairs. As soon as it does that the script stops. Can u fix this?
  8. I didnt post the same day this was cancelled because i was depressed and wanted to kms Yee i like them both
  9. forgot to mention 60 defence, so the price?
  10. This is like a banned mule with 3bil. Frustrated. Max vs Khabib is also interesting tho but not the same way
  11. 50 att,60 str, 60 def, 75 range, 75 magic, 55 pray Price? What could be added apart from range and magic to add more into the price?
  12. If somebody buys for 10$ then i guess its good for u, but why do people buy for 5-10$ each? Isnt dat too much when 5-10$ is like 7-8mil
  13. I dont get it, if u can buy 100 tut isl accounts for 6$ why is 5$ per (one) account pretty cheap?
  14. i see a dude selling multiple tut isl for 5$ per acc on playerauctions lol, is this a scam or something? I see people selling 100 tut isl for 5-6$
  15. is it possible to suicide bot nmz?? Is it cause nmz is afkable?
  16. Whats usually important for the buyer when it comes to barrows accounts? say 75 range and magic, what about defence prayer and quests? Hence what would a price be?
  17. im kinda new to the nmz. What r the requirements for nmz access?
  18. its a script that has to be run separatly right?
  19. how does auto muling scripts work? Say if i bot at barrows how can i make those accounts trade my mule?
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