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Everything posted by Norscax

  1. Script sometimes after looting the chest, stops and does not teleport to comeplete the second trip or back to clan wars. Actually im gonna edit this: the script does not tele to complete the 2nd trip because there are no barrows tabs (sometimes) which is obvious. Maybe you could add an even number of barrows tabs withdrawal so that the are enough tabs or at least one tab to go for the 2nd trip and then the script can simply withdraw more barrows tabs (an even number) after the completion of x amount barrows tabs
  2. Should I go for dedicated gaming servers?
  3. in fact, the chance of getting 1-91 is 54.38% because im always right, 5m per tip and i Accept paypal
  4. Turbovnc? Ive never heard of those operating systems they got there apart from windows and a few others.. Debian jessie any good?
  5. who offers vps? any links? I wont buy vps yet but ill for sure go for 2 later. 5 bots per vps will be needed
  6. If ur second acc is done, pls tell me
  7. how do i update cli with the new osbot? nvm, figured it out. Seems that you have to delete the old osbot completly
  8. Woow, had no idea. Thanks a lot bud
  9. who/what decides the price of osrs gp?
  10. This is the message i keep getting when my auto break is on. Thats why i asked u last time if u could add something like doing x amount of chest before script terminates
  11. Norscax

    OSBot 2.5.5

    the bank issue is not fix yet?
  12. If i run 2 bots per proxy, one in daytime the other one in nighttime and one of them gets perma banned, will the other one get chainbanned OR does this only apply for home ips?
  13. I would have bought it, but u got no feedback
  14. The script starts to type in different digits and then posts it in public when it tryes to withdraw runes. It doesnt left click and then type in the amount of runes that needs to be withdrawn. Can u fix this asap?
  15. Ok so my laptop got 16 gb ram with i7 core. I bought this one a couple of month ago and ive run 10 osbot clients several times without experiencing any problems + having a browser open. The only thing that kinda worries me is how hot my laptop gets lol. 80 °C was my max once
  16. what is considered a good vps to be able to run at least 5 bots? Core, memory etc details would be nice to know
  17. im trying to recover 10 of my mains lol
  18. lol am i getting trolled?
  19. could u give me some tips on what i could write to get a successful appeal?
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