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Sunna last won the day on December 19 2023

Sunna had the most liked content!

About Sunna

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  1. WISE or UKBT payment please state prices below per/m Thank you
  2. Well the plans are when its maxed, ill let the account sit for one month then hand complete all quests and put it on the market should hopefully be ready for Summer 2024
  3. Location, Script, Breaks, player behaviour all come into play. create a player pattern and stick to it, you online 12hours a day during x hour and the following 12hours your sleeping DONT mix the two. using scripts which are VERY mainstream and free scripts often are worse in terms of getting bans only because a million other botters have used them so the pattern of those scripts are already recognized as "Botters" Always know where to bot, dont be the guy to be botting for hours of end on the same world all by himself by some iron ores. choose a location where you either blend in or find a location you wont come across people trying to communicate with you.
  4. nowadays wouldn't matter much but personally mirror jagex accounts i have a feeling does bamboozled them a tiny bit
  5. Was more than happy to carry on to around the next update but unfortunately been addressing this issue for a while but mods/dev do not have any solutions. had to restart bot but hey... still not bad
  6. Working on a little something right now, being very selective of methods being used and locations to bot at. Don't wanna say much but the account is sitting somewhere around 1800 total level and pushing everyday. Should be 1900 by new years but lets see.
  7. Id say somewhere around the 80$ mark
  8. it being from one if the best scripters this site has, you're in good hands
  9. Sure you can, you got one of two ways, either by injection which is stealth or by mirroring. to use mirror on jagex accounts you’ll have to launch jagex launcher yourself click on legacy client then open osbot and use the mirror beta option. once opened there will be a green + symbol on your right just follow instructions from there
  10. Mirror mode is subject to VIP members only, its a feature which allows you to launch a certified jagex client and have it mirrored so that jagex assumes your regularly playing on a approved client. normal stealth is when you use osbot to run the whole show. there used to be a time where playing on mirror mode was the safer option, i personally still use it however i dont really think Jagex looks into whether your using a random client or not anymore
  11. Its been around two months… innocent people who spend money on scripts like this which are in the process of being “rewritten” for months on end fall victim of being miss-sold something they didn't sign up for. It’s a shame that some people don't have the common decency to at-least remove the script from the Store not allowing people to purchase a script which hasn't been functioning. Then to top it all off, not even make a notice at the front of this thread stating it’s undergoing a rewrite. At the end of the day, understand the frustration of the botters who use this platform to bot what they want when they want, especially if they're spending money on purchasing scripts.
  12. @Czar appreciate the 99 brother
  13. Devs are working to get it back online, no ETA as of yet
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