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Everything posted by dieg0

  1. Pff i need me to get a goldfarm running. ( Could also be an account farm right? )
  2. Whenever im bored and on osbot.org i tend to read the disputes. It always make me laugh, not calling names. But its funny when someone does a service gets a bad fb and then demands extra money. Even after the bad fb has been changed to good within 15mins of it being posted. Do share your funny disputes which you've seen from other players without calling names.
  3. dieg0

    Fruity NMZ

    This is absolutely 1 of my favorite scripts always works flawless. I do have a suggestion. Maybe add in to use specials also when there is no power surge. maybe only at 100% spec weapon thats also used during power surge? for the rest flawless script!
  4. I think if you get range helm with it maybe even also mage you would be getting slightly more. Because the defence is not quested. So i cant be turned into a zerker only a main/pietypure/rangetank build. EDIT: might also sell faster, be more apealing to people.
  5. dieg0

    zerker pc's

    Im thinking about making a few accouns to sell unregisterd pures and zerkers. Now my question is what are they worth? pure : low stats around 40-50, mith gloves done. ( maybe even lower stats just mith gloves unlocked with bare minimum ( 30 ish range 30 att n str ) dt pure: 52 magic 30ish hp 11 prayer. 30att-str. + mith gloves. Zerker : 60 att 50 ish str 45 def b gloves lowest pray possible which is 15? zerker : same as above but 31 prayer. zerker: same as above but 43 prayer.
  6. forget league go play smite! way better
  7. maxed combat also needs prayer right for 126?
  8. how is this maxed no 99 prayer and no 99 magic?
  9. Liking it so far, but every time you attack the cursos goes back to middle of mini map which seems kinda weird. After everytime you press attack sometimes it spams 5 attacks and then goes to middle of minimap 5 times aswell.
  10. are you sure about the high hp? you get higher combat the lower your own hp is the lower the hp will be of people you fight ( makes it easier to rush ) Since you rush you will tele after every attack aswell. Still its looking good !
  11. I for 1 use range or mage depends up to you. you have 46 hp so you can tank a few hits. Just let gnomes attack first when its low. use fire bolt or range if 50+ Magic is usefull for a lot of things. ( i did this yesterday:
  12. 99 def 10 hp skiller. with all other combat stats 1 or maybe just 99 prayer for the show off.
  13. I think i might have the perfect rusher pure for you! There is no email set. its a clean account. ( Quested prayer, mith gloves, avas and dt done. full ghostly sets ) full guthix and arma book. check the link: You can have it for 60m.
  14. Can you maybe add in the stalls in Zeah? Because the way they are set up you can't get caught. all of them by the way.
  15. does that mean its approved?
  16. Hello everyone, Im new on osbot but been a rs player since classic. I always found quests fun and easy to do. So hereby i will be offering my services. I will not ask the highest price you can tell me how much you are willing to offer and i will tell you if its enough or not. ( dont worry i do it for fun and feedback mostly ) Short quests i like the most, but i can also do mith gloves and or other quests. In order for me to start you will have all the required lvls i do not want to train your account i only quest. Special quests : i am able to do some of the hard quests on accounts without high hp and with no prayer ( for example desert treasure with 30+ hp and 11+ prayer 1 def as proof Here is my pure for sale: http://imgur.com/a/qBDiW ) This will have a higher price tagg, because this will require more effort but i am sure we can work it out. T&C: 1. You will change your password before you let me do it, and after aswell. 2. You will not log in to the account during the service is being completed. 3. As this service is done by hand, I am not responsible for any bans that may occur. 4. You will leave sufficient resources in the bank and/or provide me with the items that we agreed upon previously. ( teleports, staminas, gear in general ) 5. You will leave me a feedback after each questing session. I'm hoping to become a trusted member soon, so for the following time i will have a heavy discount ( just leave feedback for short quests 1-3 amount )
  17. dieg0


    Do you have the required skills done?
  18. I might have the perfect g maul pure for you. 42 combat, dt + mith gloves and avas. also has arma book. no register email. all hand done. and still 3 days member remaining. 50 att 50 str 67 magic ( potted ice burst ) 15 prayer. 32 hp. check photos: http://imgur.com/a/qBDiW make an offer.
  19. thank you i will look into it! to be honest it really is not that hard if you know the lesser known safespots. 27+ hp is all you need to do it.
  20. Well is there anyone that wants to buy it? No email registerd to it.
  21. oh well might make another one with just 11 prayer only took me 7 days with a lot of afking lol btw i used a mob to block for me ( the mouse )
  22. sorry forgot to mention 32hp have edited it now. blocker? for what lol its a easy quest dont need blocker when there are npc which can block easily. 15 prayer was needed for avas. and gives superhuman str 10% bonus which is quite usefull.
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