I just wanted to see what the price of this account is:
Original email + pass w/ single owner of the account
No bans, mutes, etc. All hand trained
All Quests completed, (Unlocked all tracks except the ones from Raids 3 - otherwise music cape is currently banked).
4/10 elite diaries completed, 10/10 hard diaries completed
2045 total level (130m+ total xp) -> Base 80s, with 11 combat/skills in 90s, 2x combat/skill has 99.
Fire cape/mage arena 2 cape + Elite void + all rings (i) - (suffering, berserker, archers, seers), 3 skilling pets (agility, thieving, woodcutting)
Maxed out house
It will come with (BCP + tassets), full crystal armor + (bow of faerdhinen (c)) + lots of other goodies totaling out to 350-400m
[Has resources banked (part of the pricing stated for bank value) the resources will bring up 4 other skills to the 90s.]
Again just curious on the price of this account as it sits currently?