Today I'm selling this awesome account with 13 prayer and firecape, firecape is done by me.
Account has no blackmarks. Account has no defence xp. Attack / Prayer is 95% quested.
Here's some good shots of the account,
Stats / Fire cape - https://gyazo.com/bbba5dfff51acc64bc0f09d3c844aacc
Emblems / Wealth / Fire cape - https://gyazo.com/86c2aa63e9b662658d890787b791c773
Quest Points - https://gyazo.com/0052558cee1a762c1fee12dfdfd75d50
Blackmarks / Offences - https://gyazo.com/38e618cc122a7dba34de04195f7ff499
Login screen - https://gyazo.com/dabb7f3aea9d29ac4ced8ac4670ef4a7
I am the original owner and creator of this account, every bit of info is known by me.
Bids are starting at -> 80M 07
Autowin for the account is -> 125M 07
Payment methods - Only 07 GP