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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by str555

  1. OHHAIII GUYSSS ! Today I'm selling this awesome account with 13 prayer and firecape, firecape is done by me. Account has no blackmarks. Account has no defence xp. Attack / Prayer is 95% quested. Here's some good shots of the account, Stats / Fire cape - https://gyazo.com/bbba5dfff51acc64bc0f09d3c844aacc Emblems / Wealth / Fire cape - https://gyazo.com/86c2aa63e9b662658d890787b791c773 Quest Points - https://gyazo.com/0052558cee1a762c1fee12dfdfd75d50 Blackmarks / Offences - https://gyazo.com/38e618cc122a7dba34de04195f7ff499 Login screen - https://gyazo.com/dabb7f3aea9d29ac4ced8ac4670ef4a7 I am the original owner and creator of this account, every bit of info is known by me. Bids are starting at -> 80M 07 Autowin for the account is -> 125M 07 Payment methods - Only 07 GP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. Could someone set this up with me with good gear? I cant really find a good way to set this up even after reading the guide and FAQ's twice.
  3. rly? U have the same problem too?
  4. Anyone here could help me setting up FrostBarrows script? I have tried it 45 mins straight and cant set it up somehow..
  5. I need someone to set this up with me in teamviewer, I have tried it for 1 hour now cant even start the script someone help me just purchased this.
  6. what does that mean? :0 I dont quite get it. :00 haha thanks! I will be getting it to 90 eventually and maybe I will buy halo from you :P You seem to know something about these accounts and prices of them so could you tell me any price?
  7. Ohaii Guysss! I want some real nice price checks for my prodded 13 pray G Mauler aka Tier farmer. I'm not planning to sell this account. I'm just curious whats it worth! Stats: https://gyazo.com/07accab2f70e1f98468c3601aeca2db0 Qp: https://gyazo.com/19e0679a7d2afbb17f7580a713682faf Bonuses it has: The account has Edgeville spawn, has high construction level for special + prayer + stamina restore. Combat level: 58 Defence xp: 0 NO BLACKMARKS ! ! !
  8. Purchased this and it has worked very well for me =) Promised to purchase this if it works well and it did!
  9. I got a nice account with 75/87/75/88/44/63. Has 60Qp. I can give more details about it when I get to home from work. Btw if you buy this from someone, remember that many people recover their accounts so just be extra careful who you trading with!
  10. Quests: I need Haunted mine & What lies below quests completed. Skills: I need 1 - 35 runecrafting done by only using hands. You need to have minium of 30+ feedback. I will give the payment first. Please give a price for this either via PM or just post it below. Thank you !
  11. U didnt ruin anything brother.
  12. I would go for thieving, less bannable skill.
  13. Actually @FrostBug , I never used the trial you gave me. You can check it up never even started the script. Re-trial me asap please. Thanks.
  14. Are u the creator of Pseudos rock crabs xD? Jus wondarin
  15. https://gyazo.com/01a28bfcd8bb16cb295fd0d670ac1442
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