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Vap0r last won the day on June 6 2017

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About Vap0r

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  1. Finally have free time and back at it
  2. Can I please have a trial of this?
  3. Shop is reopened, Message me on Discord OsVap0r#7707
  4. Loving the new update, Had a quick question. Are there any plans on adding the 2nd blood altar in Canivas? The wiki is reporting ~2.9m profit per hour so would be great to be able to do this!
  5. It's about 1.4m Per hour not too bad depending on agility.
  6. Would it be possible to add the option to use blood essences when doing Abyss runs? I tried going into the Zeah tab and enabling this option but it does not take affect for the Abyss
  7. Ive noticed a constant issue I have not been able to get around. When filling up all pouches the script will withdraw a full inventory of essence, This will fill the small ,medium, and large pouches without any problems and leaves 5 essences left over. The script will then fill these essence into the giant pouch but will not withdraw more to fill into the pouch. After the large is filled the script should withdraw more essence then attempt to fill the giant pouch.
  8. This looks great, Would I be able to use a trial?
  9. That's understandable, Another thing I just thought of would be to add an Auto weed option so if anyone has this enabled via Tithe farm the script does not have to withdraw a rake to save an inv space.
  10. Here's a few features/recommendations that I think would be great: -Add an option under the farming section to pick cactus spines (Currently 1.9k per spine and you typically get 5+ each time) 1 is located in the farming guild (level 45 section) also 1 plot west of the Fight Arena (Ring of Dueling) teleport that could be used for quick profit. -Allow access to farm guild at lvl 45 (this is when the normal allotment, flower patch, bush, and cactus patches are and good for XP and slight profit)
  11. One thing I've noticed whilst running this script, If you harvest Limp roots with close to a full inventory. Whatever roots do not fit are left on the ground. It would be a good idea to either A. Note all items before harvesting flower patch or B. After inventory is full note items like it already does but go back and pick up the roots on the ground.
  12. Can I get a trial for this please?
  13. You will need to set up a Squid proxy server or a virtual network in Google, I have done something similar in Microsoft Azure and as @Camaro stated, You will get banned and lock incredibly fast.
  14. Do you need to add the accounts into account manager for mass accounts? The bot seems to log out after the first account and doesn't log into the 2nd.
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