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  1. does this script work well in low cpu / no render? for multi acc.
  2. The script already has a high probability of being banned...As soon as the tutorial ends. I receive ban.
  3. hey @Khaleesi The script already has a high probability of being banned... As soon as the tutorial ends. I receive ban.
  4. galban

    Stealth Quester

    yep i use low cpu/ no render...
  5. galban

    Stealth Quester

    I think that you have not understand me. When you buy something in the GE that you use over price to buy it quickly by clicking on "collect" it returns all the difference of gold. I can use matquester with 80 accounts and 15k in each one for robots but with this script I can not because of that problem.
  6. I have thought to raise an account only to kill vorkath, to kill it lasting 8-10hrs hours a day would be a reason for ban?
  7. galban

    Stealth Quester

    the problem is not the amount of money I use to buy, it's that the script performs the VERY QUICK click on collect. I have no problem with "Matt Quester". buy everything with 10k.
  8. galban

    Stealth Quester

    use 15k. the script clicks very quickly on "collect" and it does not work. If I clicked "collect" I would buy the items and I would return money to continue buying.
  9. galban

    Stealth Quester

    Quickly click on "collect" then close the window and I get an error that I'm missing money... im doing 7qp. goblin > doric > cooking.
  10. https://prnt.sc/n4c55d Have Dragon Defender, Ava, Fire Cape
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