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  1. 25+ in stock Price: 6m osrs gold each Accounts are 0 quest points and have 0 wealth on them. hank#0218 on discord to discuss more. 1. Pictures of the account stats 2. Pictures of the account bans 3. membership left (if there is any) no membership 4. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address Im original owner and accounts have no email set.
  2. Do you agree to the TOS? yes Trade type? accounts to gp, u need to hold the gp for 2weeks sent u a message on discord.
  3. Accounts have the ability to trade in F2P , bypassing the new trade restrictions. (100 total level is random stats combined) Prices are 1m 1-50 accs, 950k 50-100, 900k 100+. Current stock: 10 Accounts created on USA proxies To prevent locks you MUST use a proxy from usa, or if you want to use proxy from other country you must set email on the account so you can unlock it if it gets locked. 1. Pictures of the account stats 2. Pictures of the account bans 3. membership left (if there is any) none 4. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address im oo and accounts have no email set on them Contact me: Discord hank#0218 or osbot pm
  4. 1. Pictures of the account stats 2. Pictures of the total wealth (if there is any) 3. Pictures of the quests completed look first pic 4. The price you will be starting bids at 7m 5. The A/W (Auto-win) for your account 7m 6. The methods of payment you are accepting osrs gp 7. Your trading conditions you first or we use MM 8. Pictures of the account status 9. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address no email set im oo. account created on proxy so i cant recover it, thats why you need to put email on it before you loggin
  5. i saved my script but when i load it only like 1/3 of it shows up edit: it only loads the first 9 actions edit2: nvm got it working
  6. rip, anything you can do to make it work with mirror? edit:it actually seems to work on mirror on second test run
  7. doesnt work with mirror mode
  8. switch to next account from list doesnt work on stealth injection
  9. 1. Pictures of the account stats 2. Pictures of the total wealth (if there is any) 3. Pictures of the quests completed 4. The price you will be starting bids at 60m 5. The A/W (Auto-win) for your account 65m 6. The methods of payment you are accepting osrs gp 7. Your trading conditions We use mm or u go first 8. Pictures of the account status 9. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address Im oo and account has email set on it but it will be changed to yours.
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