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Posts posted by Gildarts

  1. Ok so I did everything except try getting JDK. But when looking at the downloads all it has is windows x86 and windows x64, I have windows x32. Will this matter if I download the x64?

    Oh and this problem just started last night. I was able to run 1 bot but not 2. now I cant run anything


    x86 = x32, just different names for them.


    Did you change anything last night that could have caused this?


  2. Hmm, haven't encountered this error before.

    Make sure you have the latest version of Java (here) as well as the latest version of OSBot (here).

    If you are up to date with both of those and the freezes continue, delete your OSBot folder (C:\Users\yourusername\OSBot) and redownload the client (here).

    Lastly, you can try getting JDK here.


    Let me know what happens!


    Just report any post considered as spam? We will instantly take care of it wink.png

    you do know your supposed to do more than handle reports right.. I was browsing topics not just "funny" ones... And was browsing pretty much every market topic... Mods need to realize they are not here to sit and talk to everyone 24/7 they need to just help when there are problems and work in keeping the forums clean. I don't understand why u think it needs to be reported for it t be removed.

    I see raflesia talking to people more than he should he needs to be working on getting things right so many suggestions need to be implemented rules need to be re written because Kati wrote them and isn't staff anymore. Need to add a rule bar to the top of the site.

    Also noticed mods sit in chat way to much and chat about random stupid stuff. There is a time and place for that. I remember me and Kati literally maybe 30 minutes were talking but in there for a few hours monitoring it and making sure it wasn't getting to bad. Also in no way am I saying ignore people im saying try focusing on more then reports

    Maybe that's why I was not liked because I didn't have time to sit and talk to people all day, but not once were there as many reports as there is today.



    If what I gathered from your post was correct, you don't want mods to talk about random things in the chat and instead focus on monitoring the chatbox or Forums (hard to understand)?

    You can't actually expect any staff member of a Forum to be 100% serious at all times and not joke around/chat in the chatbox. The Forums are being monitored while they are chatting (from what I've seen).


    P.S. - Respect from people (being liked) as a staff member doesn't come from sitting and talking to people, it comes from your work ethic as well as quality of work.


    OT: I believe the current staff can handle it, with more focused moderation on the Market section.


    Good idea though!

    • Like 1
  4. Awesome guide, I've tried all of it however and my bot still just randomly stops after 1 hour approx and the numbers on GUI go haywire and the mouse pointer will stop moving and I'll die/log out soon after. Don't know what I should do..?


    Try deleting your entire OSBot folder (located at C:\Users\yourusername\OSBot) and redownloading the client here.

  5. Ultimate Help Guide

    I get way too many people in the chatbox asking for help on problems and client issues that have I have just resolved, so I've decided to make a guide it.

    I will spoiler all of the fixes in order to make it easier to find the section you are looking for.

    P.S: If I get HTML permissions on this thread from an administrator, I will make an actual jumptable from the table of contents.


    Table of Contents:

    I. Client

      i. Downloading

      ii. Scripts

        1. Adding SDN scripts

        2. Adding local scripts

        3. Running SDN scripts

        4. Running local scripts

        5. Troubleshooting script issues

          a. Script doesn't appear in client after purchasing

          b. Local scripts is empty, although scripts are in the folder.

      iii. Troubleshooting errors

       Preface: Things to make sure of before reading further

        1. Not injecting/downloading client

        2. Error loading settings

        3. Not being able to sign in/freezing on sign in

        4. Blank gray window

        5. JAR is corrupted

        6. Failed to load client

        7. Broken randoms

        8. Client not downloading

        9. Failed to connect to remote server

        10. Not being able to add accounts

        12. General fixes to try if none of the above work

    II. Forum

      i. Payments

        1. Subscription Cancellation

      ii. BB Code

        1. Linking members

        2. Spoilers

      iii. Miscellaneous

       1. Styling

    III. Scripting

      i. Importing OSBot

      ii. Using a skeleton


    I. Client

      i. Downloading and running

    • To download the client, simply go to OSBot's home page and scroll to the bottom and click "Download". It will look like this: 1a114a3f976b62a4597e7366c17f544f.png This will download the latest version of OSBot.
    • Alternatively, if the previous method is not working, you can use the direct download link by clicking here.
    • If you are prompted to "Save" or "Run", select "Save".
    • Once osbot x.x.x.jar has finished downloading (it will not show a progress bar but it will be finished at about 13.3mb), it will be located in C:\Users\yourusername\Downloads (or your default downloads folder) listed as osbot 1.x.x (number of the latest version). This is the program, or client, that is used to run scripts (bots).
    • Then, for easier access, you can either move that file to your desktop, or right click the file and choose Send To > Desktop (create shortcut).

    Running the client:

    IMPORTANT: To run the client, you will need the latest version of Java.

    • Simply sign in with your Forum account by clicking the button on the top right that says signed out (c12759186266e1e1cf4603418cffdb25.png).
    • Then, to start up Runescape, add a new game tab by clicking the green plus button (2ecaf123de6f2263382d51c259c33ff7.png).
    • In a few moments, Runescape should be loaded up and ready for botting!



    ii. Scripts

        1. Adding SDN (store) scripts

    • Scripts from the store can be found here.
    • Find the script you would like to add to your account, and then click the name or picture of it. If the price is $0.00, (like this: 24cce536def4f94f9a2bb3863db53abe.png ) then the script is free. If not, you will need to pay with PayPal or a credit/debit card.
    • Then, when you have found a script you would like to add, click add to cart (c49792a9c572ebd3c0d7e31ccb6f66f4.png) and then checkout (880c0ed7d63e6fe04f5b35bb53c49258.png) on the bottom right.
    • Finally, agree to the Terms and conditions and then confirm the order (b088044b3d38d8cee5ee37ff80ca7d21.png).
    • You will be taken to a page that says the following on it: 978e4f1784e752a57de6fae113853741.png
    • This means that the script has been added to your account.



        2. Adding local scripts

    Local scripts are scripts that are not featured and are not in the store. They can be found here.

    There are 3 types of local scripts:

    1. A .jar file

    For a jar file, after you have downloaded it (if it prompts to "Run" or "Save", select "Save"), move it into your OSBot folder located at C:\Users\yourusername\OSBot\scripts.

    If you do not know how to do this, no need to fear.

    For Windows 7/Vista users:

    • Open the start menu, type run, and hit enter.
    • Then type %userprofile%\Downloads into the text box that appears.


    • Open run again (keep the Downloads window open), but this time type %userprofile%\OSBot\scripts into the text box that appears.
    • Now, drag the script you downloaded (will be scriptname.jar) from your Downloads window into your scripts window.


    For Windows XP users:

    • Hold down the windows key (winkey.jpg) and press r. This will open Run.
    • Now type %userprofile%\Downloads into the text box that appears.


    • Open run again (keep the Downloads window open), but this time type %userprofile%\OSBot\scripts into the text box that appears.
    • Now, drag the script you downloaded (will be scriptname.jar) from your Downloads window into your scripts window.


    2. A .zip file

    • For a zip file, if it prompts to "Save" or "Run", choose "Run". (if it does not give this option then go into your downloads folder and run it)
    • It should then open with your default zip extractor (Windows Explorer, 7zip, WinRar, etc.).
    • Extract the files inside directly into C:\Users\yourusername\OSBot\scripts
    • If you are using Windows Explorer, use "Extract all files" (95f52c2a62ecc8ed9fe5fadde136d053.png) towards the top left of the window.
    • 7zip users should use this button: 86d5ecd6b604b2c3eb5339d649b56c3b.png


    3. Plain text (code)

    For plain text, like this:

    public class SherlockC extends Script {
    public void onStart() {
    • Simply copy all of the text in the box by highlighting it all and then right clicking it > Copy.  
    • Then, open your Start menu > All programs > Accessories > Notepad.
    • Once notepad is open, paste the code in the notepad file by right clicking in it > Paste. 
    • Then, go to file on the top right > Save As...
    • Now, before you give a name to the Java file, first go to the bottom drop down box and select "All files". (6fcf778aac7bde79b88f9bbe3f9b348f.png)
    • Next, save it as whatever was specified in the thread (will usually be the name of the bot) and then add .java immediately at the end of it.

    For example, if my script that I was saving was called SherlockC, I would write this: 4cc1236d11d8b607fa0cb5bd03fff933.png

    And finally, browse to C:\Users\yourusername\OSBot\scripts in the save window and hit save. 774fcb46bf623437f9d62e152e30b564.png


        3. Running SDN scripts

    • The SDN scripts are already on your account and within the client after your order is confirmed.
    • You can find then by clicking the green play button (abc76987cf796d4bb1c963cc4e0ed31c.png) when you are ready to run them and then going under the tab "Premium scripts" or "Free scripts" (245bd8e9e143d5dd7140818ae76fc057.png).
    • Next, hit refresh on the bottom left (7798ec3a9ac375377fbf01a1946125eb.png) and then the script you added should show up.
    • Click the one you want to run and the script should start running.


      4. Running local scripts

    • To run the local scripts, go into your client and sign in with your Forum account (if it doesn't automatically sign you in).
    • Open a new game tab (2ecaf123de6f2263382d51c259c33ff7.png), and then log in to Runescape.
    • When you are ready to run the script/bot, go to the green play button on the top left (abc76987cf796d4bb1c963cc4e0ed31c.png) and then go under the tab "Local Scripts" (0cf9f8202be5c88986319cea662b6617.png).
    • Hit refresh (7798ec3a9ac375377fbf01a1946125eb.png) which is towards the bottom left.
    • Your local scripts should show up, so select which one you wanted to run, and hit start (6a2cacaa07f4f851bf0d2e1ac7f5cdd7.png) located towards the bottom right of the window.


       5. Troubleshooting scripts

          a. Script doesn't appear in client after purchasing

    To fix this issue, simply sign out of your Forum account within the client and then sign back in and try.

    If that doesn't work, restart the client.

    If you are having persisting problems regarding this, contact @Raflesia, @Smart, or @Catastrophe.

          b. Local scripts is empty, although scripts are in the folder

    This means that one of your scripts is corrupted, and messing up the other scripts in the folder.

    Delete your scripts one-by-one, starting with the newest ones you added.


    iii. Troubleshooting errors

       Preface: Things to make sure of before reading further

    Make sure you have the latest version of Java as well as the latest version of OSBot.

        1. Not injecting/downloading client

    This is a newer error, brought upon by a recent RS update.

    To fix this, simply let the client sit for a while.

    If it's been 10 minutes or more, then restart the client or close the current tab and then open a new one.

        2. Error loading settings

    This error is easily fixable.

    All you have to do is browse to C:\Users\yourusername\OSBot\data and then delete the file local.dat. e5f048411b15b2b5ba9ff265b6edde30.png

        3. Not being able to sign in/freezing on sign in

    This error is generally caused by having an outdated version of Java.

    Check to see if you have the latest version here.

    If the above does not work, then you may need JDK.

        4. Blank gray window

    This error is caused by not having the latest version of Java.

    Get it here.

        5. JAR is corrupted

    This was fixed for some people by getting JDK and then redownloading the client, but others claimed that it was not fixed by that.

    You can get JDK here and redownload the client here.

        6. Failed to load client

    For the error: Failed to load client!

    It is a clashing error, so delete your OSBot folder located at C:\Users\yourusername\OSBot and then redownload the client.

    Back up your local scripts if you have any by moving them to a temporary folder and then moving them back when the folder is recreated.

        7. Broken randoms

    Broken randoms are not a problem on your end.

    You will need to make a post on the Forums (here) and wait for the development team to fix the randoms in newer client releases.

        8. Client not downloading

    This can be a tricky error.

    First, try a different browser. (Firefox is a good choice if you don't already have it)

    If that does not work, then disable any anti-virus or network blockers you have for about 15 minutes when downloading the client.

    They can often block the connection to OSBot, resulting in a failed download.

         9. Failed to connect to remote server

    This error is caused by something blocking a connection to the OSBot servers.

    Try disabling any program you have that blocks connections (anti-virus included) as well as running of a new IP.

    Port forwarding might help.

         10. Not being able to add accounts

    Something is corrupted in your OSBot folder, so delete the folder at C:\Users\yourusername\OSBot.

    Then redownload the client here.

         11. General fixes to try if none of the above work

    For some general fixes that will fix most client problems, try the following in order:

    1. Make sure your client is up to date. Find the latest version here.
    2. Make sure your Java is up to date. It is here.
    3. Download and install JDK here.
    4. Delete your OSBot folder located at C:\Users\yourusername\OSBot and then redownload the client. Backup any local scripts by moving them to a temporary folder and then moving them back when the folder is recreated.
    5. Report the problem to this Forum section, and the community will help you with the problem.


    II. Forum

      i. Payments

        1. Subscription cancellation

    FULL credits to for this:

    • Open your client area.   http://osbot.org/forum/index.php?app=nexus&module=clients .
    • Go to 'purchases'. f46286e84e0ca0e275261f43e57a701f.png
    • Search for your whatever purchase you wanted to cancel and click on it.
    • On the right there is a 'cancel' button. Click on it. It will cancel your subscription, meaning that your subscription won't renew itself.


      ii. BB Code

        1. Linking members

    To @Link members on the forum like so, use the following code:


        2. Spoilers

    To create a spoiler on the Forum, use the following code:

    [spoiler]Text here[/spoiler]


        3. YouTube Videos

    To embed a YouTube video into your post, simply paste the link like this: (I am aware this is not BBCode)


    Then, it will appear on the Forum like this:


      iii. Miscellaneous

        1. Styling

    To add different styles and colors to tweak your theme, you will need to be using the "Subway" theme.

    • To choose a theme (either Subway or Animate), scroll to the very bottom and towards the bottom left is a button that says "Change Theme" (d0c68e0664c7bd8ef5c893c74913f432.png).
    • Once you click Subway, you should get a tile bar looking similar to this:


    • Next, click the "Edit Style" tile. 3235939a23ea0587635fc6bb2022a968.png
    • Now, it should bring up a wide variety of editing options. 4248826c868b5017351deb3f39785f16.png
    • Pick and choose from them to tweak your theme to your liking.
      Some of my favorite combinations:

      Chocolate, Slate, Waves:
      122beadd33d13b3fcb026bcd98f1832c.pngMarble, Chocolate, Squares :
      484edcab0f46ce2fdabfbb7f0b4579da.pngAnd of course: (Marble, Red, Wood)


    III. Scripting

      i. Importing OSBot (using Eclipse)

    To import OSBot (using Eclipse) to gain access to the API's functions, follow the following steps.

    • Create a new Java Project, name it, and then click "Next >" (NOT "Finish").3b06221ec697a4e0b5caa9cf38df8b33.png
    • Now, go under the tab "Libraries" (4d621e225cdb99c24337ac556ed36e00.png) and go to "Add External JARs..." (fe3324985e8689bf3b8ba6932138ee90.png).
    • Then browse to the latest version of OSBot you downloaded (d0164d3e30cfc4ae22a22414ab037fa8.png) and add it to the build path by selecting "Open". (b2551e4f48a819130c4dfb030ee654aa.png)
    • Finally, hit "Finish" (2aabeabf98a99b84025f13d2b595fafa.png) and you are all ready to use the API from OSBot!


      ii. Using a skeleton

    To use a skeleton for beginning scripts, use the following: (FULL credits to @Divine for this, original thread here)

    import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
    import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
    import org.osbot.script.Script;
    import org.osbot.script.ScriptManifest;
    @ScriptManifest(name = "Script Name", author = "Author", version = 1.0D, info = "Description goes here.")
    public class ClassName extends Script {
    	 * Variables
    	private BufferedImage paint;
    	private long startTime;
    	 * Inherited Methods
    	// Called at start
    	public void onStart() {
    		try {
    			startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    			this.paint = ImageIO.read(new URL("IMAGE URL GOES HERE."));
    		} catch (Exception e) {
    			// Catch
    	// Called more than once.
    	public int onLoop() {
    		try {
    		} catch (Exception e) {
    			// Catch
    		return 1;
    	// Called at script stop
    	public void onExit() {
    	// Called more than once, even during pause.
    	public void onPaint(java.awt.Graphics g) {
    		if (paint != null)
    			g.drawImage(paint, 0, 0, null); //0,0 = X,Y
    	 * Non-Inherited Methods
    	//Non-Inherited methods go here.
    	 * Useful Methods
    	//XP for level
    	public int getXPForLevel(int level) {
    		int points = 0;
    		int output = 0;
    		for (int lvl = 1; lvl <= level; lvl++) {
    			points += Math.floor((double) lvl + 300.0
    					* Math.pow(2.0, (double) lvl / 7.0));
    			if (lvl >= level)
    				return output;
    			output = (int) Math.floor(points / 4);
    		return 0;


    I am aware that these are not all of the client problems.

    I will build onto this guide as well as add more pictures and further detail when I get the time.

    If you have any questions, errors, or things to add onto this list you can PM me on the Forums, find me in the chatbox, or post on this thread.

    Hope this helps!




    Edit log:

    9/2/13: Added more client problem resolving (9, 10), added styling, added colors, removed things that didn't sound smooth, added bulletpointing in more places, double-checked capitalization and caught & fixed some errors

    • Like 16
  6. Please try the following, in order:

    • Let it sit for around 5-10 minutes. Sometimes the servers can be slow, and take some time to download & inject.
    • If that doesn't work, then close the first tab you opened and then open a new one.
    • Make sure you have the latest Java, check here.
    • Delete your OSBot folder in C:\Users\yourusername\OSBot and then redownload the client here.


    Let me know what happens!

  7. I haven't seen this issue lately, but I have a few general fixes that usually work.


    • Delete your whole OSBot folder (C:\Users\yourusername\OSBot)and then redownload the client here. (latest version is 1.7.34)
    • If the above suggestion doesn't work, uninstall Java and reinstall. You also may want to try to download JDK or JRE if that doesn't work.


    Let me know what happens!

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