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Posts posted by Gildarts

  1. Our censor filter only contains about 16 words, which contains 5 bot names and alot of words pronounced differently.

    Basicly, the only words that are censored now, with their synonyms, are:


    '********', '********' and '********'


    I don't see any reason to uncensor these words, they can hurt people.


    Agreed, and using slurs such as these make the community look trashy and immature.


    Voted no.

  2. One of your scripts could be broken. Remove them all and add them back in your local folder one by one to see which one may be broken.

    I'm placing my money on this.

    Remove them starting with the ones you last added and continuing that way.

  3. I support this. The development team is currently going through a bit of inactivity, so I'd assume that's the reason for the lack of contests.

    Although contests aren't needed to make people feel like a part of this Forum.



    banned members of pb >.< bah lol hai.

    What does that have to do with anything...?

    No idea.


    You can delete things inside of the quote that don't pertain or apply to what you're responding to. For example, see above. It's more of a preference than a problem.

    I don't know if I support this, unless the post contains giant images (which should already be in a spoiler).


  5. Well, firstly, HTML isn't a programming language. Also, what you are learning now is useful for front-end design. Learn Rails, Python, PHP, Perl, etc.


    HTML = Hypertext Markup Language



    But as for OP:

    I'd suggest getting the basic syntax of a common and widely used language, like C++ or Java (both of which have promising futures in the terms of the programming world). After that, you'd better understand other languages and have sort of a base knowledge of what is happening.

    It really depends what field you want to get into, because programming encompasses a wide variety of jobs and careers.


    I'm so happy you are putting your mind to this and making it a reality! All of the power to you!

  6. my bot keeps closing and then opening osbot webpage, getting annoying now :@


    By the "osbot webpage", I assume you are talking about http://osbot.org/?

    If not, what page does come up?


    The next step in figuring out what is happening is the frequency of the problem.

    How often does this happen? Is there a set time (say, x minutes) in between when it happens?


    And as was said by others, update your Java.


    P.S. - Another helpful thing would be to delete your OSBot folder from %userprofile%\ (C:\Users\yourusername\) and redownload the client from the home page.

  7. @Sherlock, I've changed it to PNG, and that still doesn't display it.


    Then upload your icon file to an image hosting website and then link to it using the direct URL in the href.

    This would fix any errors with finding it in the local directory.

  8. I'm not sure why that's not working, it might have something to do with the .ico file. I'd try it with a .png to test it out.

    Then change the type to equal "image/png" and the href to "images/favicon1.png".


    Another solution would be to try to upload your icon file to an image hosting website and then link to it using the direct URL in the href. This would fix it if it was having problems with locating the file in your local directory.

  9. Well, I'm not sure how much it has to do with themes, but the error is within the URL.



    The error is 50x, which are a number of timing out and internal server errors.

    The official definition of the 50x series of errors is:

    The server failed to fulfill an apparently valid request.



    So, whenever you're experiencing lag and thus can't connect to the server, it will redirect you here, which is the error page for this sort of error.


    Hope this helps clear some things up.


  10. If you wanted this to be the actual homepage, I would assume that a lot more work would need to be done on it. It's a cool graphic design, but the rest of it needs a bit of work (this is all my opinion of course). For example, the navigation pane you have is text only and, I assume, has no on mouse hover function. Current: 981796b6594360621c7a41d459777359.png

    vs yours:



    Another thing I noticed was the capitalization within it. If your intent was to keep it all caps, I'd suggest changing it.


    Again, just my opinion on it.

  11. Make sure to check if you have all of the random checkboxes checked (so many checks). Settings (the gray gear near the top-right) -> Randoms.

    Would also be great if you could get some pictures or a video of it happening.


    I'd suggest starting out with a free webhost and just messing around with it to see all of what you can do.

    My favorite free webhost is 000webhost because of their extensive (for a free webhost ofc) cPanel.

    You could even throw some Forum software on there and see what all you can do with that as well.

    Thanks for the suggestion. Problem is I'm already an expert in those aspects. I'm looking for more advanced things.



    Ahh. Then I'd suggest working with SQL databases and the administration portion as those are the next things down the list. (adding PHP shells could be fun) smile.png

    Also, if you're looking for learning about the blackhat side of website programming, I'd propose learning about SQL injection.

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