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Trade With Caution
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About MissFabulous

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  1. looking for anglers and 63-83 hunter via red chins ( keeping the chins for myself) this is also on an ironman account. also curious if anyone would like to do ardy cloak 2 including quests/skills needed reply here or to my discord lemon#7994
  2. Decode has been paid and started this service
  3. on ironman account looking to keep all items gained from the crates, PM me or post cost
  4. Type of trade: acc for 260m Your skype: already have you added Other Person's skype: as does he Do you agree to TOS: i do
  5. So iv got 15 accounts with 66 mage, should i go forth and do witch's house for the hp levels? or get hp via defence training? Also how much supplies do you normally run your accounts with? i intend to suicide them over weekends to max my profits.
  6. @Czar Hey man, got an issue with the cannon still. being super super erratic with the loading generally just spamming the cannon looks really bad https://gyazo.com/aa9340289fa22ebb85575b50b8351c03 gif of what it does in the chat.. just constantly trying to reload the cannon when it was set to reload at 17-25 balls, no settings other than fight alongside/attack caged npc/cannon mode/range mode with the above cannon setting 17-25 https://gyazo.com/011fa0c37bf9ed546af1aedd21cfc0a3 Here is a better Gif as to what it's doing Edit: this seems to be happening on mirror mode, Am i a moron? or should it not be happening. seems to be running near perfect on stealth client.
  7. @Czar Any chance when using range/mage mode you can add in the hp and defence trackers when using it? Also receives issues with level ups, causing the bot to stop until it logs/fixed maybe a fail safe for level ups to re-click the target from the safe zone/click the level up message. ( generally only happens when using safe spots ie cannoning ogres @ cwars)
  8. provide me accounts, 350k ea hand done. If im making the accounts 500k ea hand done. within the hour.
  9. How much are you offering per account?
  10. Whats the rate of ban like in NMZ? (not looking exact, just have people experienced them yet.) having decent luck using the script outside of NMZ managed 1-70 range, 1-78 mage, 1-50 def.
  11. @Czar Any idea when that fix is going to happen?
  12. Script has a logic bug (e.g. dies while safespotting) or (cannon mode doesn't pickup arrows) - What is the bug, Cannon reload spam clicking regardless of what slide setting it's at/doesn't reload at all/clicks in locations on the cannon tile/safespot causing a constant rubber band movement between reloading and moving to safespot. - How did you make the bug happen ogres at castle wars ogres, doesn't instantly happen. runs well for a couple minutes then goes to shit. - (optional) recommendation for the bug, e.g. 'make the script walk back' or something, Fix it so it's not doing so. Add a "profile" or "quick load/save" option. Rather annoying to have to always redo the bot. - Tried client restart? multiple restarts and different cannon slide. - Normal script or a plugin? normal - Which exact setup options are enabled? Afk mode, cannon mode, etc etc.ogres at castle wars, ranging mode, cannon mode, banking, smart safespot max tile 4, fight alongside cannon, anti pattern,over ride randoms
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