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  1. Disputed member: https://osbot.org/forum/profile/249932-buzz-lightyear/ Explanation: Very dissapointed in this guy. Asked him to do a service 40-60 Agillity on a fresh account of mine. Paid him 13.1m. After 5 days he just hit level 51. I tried to login yesterday and I got banned. Very dissapointed. Even though it was a low level account (30 att, 30 str, 51 agillity) I wanted a fresh starts and wanted him to train my Agillity. I paid him 13.1m and he got my account banned. Before I got banned I asked him to refund. It just took so long. I guess that triggered him to bot. I mean, why don't he just tell me that he hates Agillity so he can refund my money? Unbelievable. Thread link: Evidence: He told me multiple time he broke his arm...I just checked his profile and I see he has been reported before. And he just came back from "leadership". He's been lying a lot: Confirmation of the service: [11-9-2017 01:28:03] BuzzLight Year[E]: Hey Marley [11-9-2017 01:28:40] Marley: Hi there My name is Regulate on OSBOT and I see you do services. I have a question: What would be the price of 50-60 agillity? And would you be training @ canafis? [11-9-2017 01:29:02] BuzzLight Year[E]: Yeah and did you get a quote from anyone else? [11-9-2017 01:29:11] Marley: no [11-9-2017 01:29:29] Marley: what would the price be? [11-9-2017 01:29:33] BuzzLight Year[E]: Alright lets see how much xp it would be [11-9-2017 01:30:08] BuzzLight Year[E]: I charge 35gp/xp for agility [11-9-2017 01:31:12] Marley: that's awesome, will you also be picking up marks of grace? i'll let you know tomorrow but i think i'm going to do it [11-9-2017 01:32:07] BuzzLight Year[E]: Ok. [11-9-2017 01:32:11] BuzzLight Year[E]: Good luck. [11-9-2017 01:32:32] Marley: i mean that i will let u do it haha [11-9-2017 01:32:38] Marley: ill let you know [11-9-2017 01:32:56] BuzzLight Year[E]: Okay pal, I'd like to start now if you don't mind? [11-9-2017 01:34:07] Marley: is it possible that it can be done tomorrow mate? because i really need to go now. i'll go first and pay you the money tomorrow. 172.000 xp x 35 right? [11-9-2017 01:34:59] BuzzLight Year[E]: yeah [11-9-2017 01:35:20] BuzzLight Year[E]: So 6020k [12-9-2017 14:13:26] Marley: hi bro, is 1-60 on a new account of me also possible? pickping up the marks and doing canafis course 40-60 if possible? if so, what would be the price? [12-9-2017 14:13:36] Marley: or do you want me to train it to 40 first? [12-9-2017 14:14:20] BuzzLight Year[E]: yeah [12-9-2017 14:14:24] BuzzLight Year[E]: I can do it all [12-9-2017 14:14:47] Marley: aaigh 35 * the total amount of xp right? [12-9-2017 14:15:25] BuzzLight Year[E]: yes [12-9-2017 14:15:50] Marley: aaigh so 9.55m. ill give you 10m [12-9-2017 14:18:15] BuzzLight Year[E]: Ouh [12-9-2017 14:18:17] BuzzLight Year[E]: Ouch [12-9-2017 14:18:23] BuzzLight Year[E]: 10m for 60 agility is too low mate [12-9-2017 14:18:24] BuzzLight Year[E]: sorry [12-9-2017 14:19:28] Marley: aaight and 8.3m for 40-60 agillity is good right? you said it before [12-9-2017 14:19:33] Marley: ill tell you once i hit 40 bro [12-9-2017 14:20:12] BuzzLight Year[E]: Talk to me then if I'm not busy ill do it I dislike agil [12-9-2017 14:20:24] Marley: aaigh [12-9-2017 14:22:38] BuzzLight Year[E]: you need anything else [12-9-2017 14:23:04] Marley: no bro, i'll tell you when i hit 40, thanks for the information [13-9-2017 22:01:44] Marley: hi mate, are you busy? or can you do a 40-60 agillity service (picking up marks of grace) or 40-50 if you hate it that much :p [13-9-2017 22:03:39] BuzzLight Year[E]: sure [13-9-2017 22:03:54] BuzzLight Year[E]: I'm crippled broken arm haha [13-9-2017 22:03:59] Marley: awesome, 40-60 or 40-50? [13-9-2017 22:04:03] Marley: haha:p [13-9-2017 22:04:15] BuzzLight Year[E]: car accident last night [13-9-2017 22:04:19] Marley: wow omg [13-9-2017 22:05:40] BuzzLight Year[E]: yeah [13-9-2017 22:11:20] Marley: get well soon bro but huh i dont understand what you meant by saying sure haha? i guess you dont wanna do it because you broke your arm?? [13-9-2017 22:11:43] BuzzLight Year[E]: no [13-9-2017 22:11:50] BuzzLight Year[E]: ill do it [13-9-2017 22:12:03] Marley: ohh haha sorry i didnt understand :p [13-9-2017 22:12:10] Marley: price on 40-60 agillity picking up the marks of grace? [13-9-2017 22:12:12] BuzzLight Year[E]: np lol [13-9-2017 22:12:18] BuzzLight Year[E]: 50 gp [13-9-2017 22:12:22] BuzzLight Year[E]: xp [13-9-2017 22:12:27] BuzzLight Year[E]: dry reply [13-9-2017 22:12:32] BuzzLight Year[E]: cuz fucked up hand [13-9-2017 22:12:33] BuzzLight Year[E]: lol [13-9-2017 22:13:38] Marley: allright bro can you confirm on pm ? [13-9-2017 22:13:59] BuzzLight Year[E]: link [13-9-2017 22:14:36] Marley: https://osbot.org/forum/profile/232010-regulate/ [13-9-2017 22:19:46] BuzzLight Year[E]: done [13-9-2017 22:20:25] Marley: ty bro where do we meet so i can pay you [13-9-2017 22:20:40] Marley: it's 236.518 xp [13-9-2017 22:20:53] Marley: are you going to do canifis for the marks of graces or another course? [13-9-2017 22:25:50] BuzzLight Year[E]: what do you prefer me to do [13-9-2017 22:26:12] Marley: is canafis possible? you get a lot of marks of grace there [13-9-2017 22:26:30] BuzzLight Year[E]: ya sure since slower method can do we do 55 gp [13-9-2017 22:26:55] Marley: no problem [13-9-2017 22:27:11] Marley: 236.518 x 55 = 13,1m [13-9-2017 22:27:24] BuzzLight Year[E]: kk let me start in 30 [13-9-2017 22:27:33] Marley: allright, where do we meet so i can pay you [13-9-2017 22:29:37] BuzzLight Year[E]: @ sand crabs now give me 30 [13-9-2017 22:29:46] Marley: kk [13-9-2017 22:29:51] BuzzLight Year[E]: actually [13-9-2017 22:29:56] BuzzLight Year[E]: ill go on main [13-9-2017 22:30:01] Marley: allright [13-9-2017 22:32:11] BuzzLight Year[E]: 329 edge [13-9-2017 22:33:08] Marley: im outside of the bank [13-9-2017 22:33:09] Marley: name = malusoo [13-9-2017 22:44:52] BuzzLight Year[E]: my bad lol [13-9-2017 22:44:57] BuzzLight Year[E]: phone call [13-9-2017 22:45:08] Marley: haha np bro [13-9-2017 22:45:16] Marley: im outside of the bank w329 [13-9-2017 22:45:19] Marley: name = malusoo [13-9-2017 22:46:27] BuzzLight Year[E]: these meds r fucked [13-9-2017 22:48:23] Marley: valestra you? [13-9-2017 22:48:35] BuzzLight Year[E]: yh [13-9-2017 22:48:46] BuzzLight Year[E]: ? [13-9-2017 22:49:05] Marley: oops soz [13-9-2017 22:49:08] Marley: where do u want me to log out [13-9-2017 22:49:11] Marley: canifis? [13-9-2017 22:49:16] BuzzLight Year[E]: ye [13-9-2017 22:49:18] BuzzLight Year[E]: pl [13-9-2017 22:49:21] Marley: np [13-9-2017 22:52:37] Marley: wtf still gotta do the quest LOL i will tell you when its done [13-9-2017 22:53:40] Marley: priest in peril xd [13-9-2017 22:58:15] BuzzLight Year[E]: nooob [13-9-2017 22:58:28] BuzzLight Year[E]: did you ever bot the acc [13-9-2017 22:58:54] Marley: fuck this shit. i need melee to kill the dog and my stats are still 1 so i gotta do waterfall quest lol. can you do start for me tomorrow? or are you still online in 2-3 hours? [13-9-2017 22:59:01] Marley: nope, never did [13-9-2017 22:59:08] BuzzLight Year[E]: want me to do them [13-9-2017 22:59:08] Marley: still low level, just got 40 agillity and 16 magic [13-9-2017 22:59:44] Marley: how much i still got 3m left xd [13-9-2017 22:59:51] Marley: you need melee to kill the fucking dog [13-9-2017 22:59:58] Marley: in priest of peril hahaha fuck me [13-9-2017 23:00:25] BuzzLight Year[E]: magic will kill him [13-9-2017 23:00:39] Marley: it doesnt affect it [13-9-2017 23:00:42] BuzzLight Year[E]: oh [13-9-2017 23:00:49] BuzzLight Year[E]: recoil ring [13-9-2017 23:00:55] BuzzLight Year[E]: poisoin dag [13-9-2017 23:03:56] Marley: aaigh ill be back in 15 mins then ill try it with poison dag and recoil ring, thanks [13-9-2017 23:31:48] Marley: killed the dog, ill be done in 15 mins. ill tell you when i logg the account off in canafis. [13-9-2017 23:50:35] Marley: bro i finished it and im in canafis. u there? [13-9-2017 23:53:25] BuzzLight Year[E]: yh [13-9-2017 23:54:09] Marley: aaigh it's in canafs [13-9-2017 23:54:21] BuzzLight Year[E]: cool ill start ssoon [13-9-2017 23:56:53] Marley: aaigh [13-9-2017 23:58:23] BuzzLight Year[E]: info [13-9-2017 23:58:33] Marley: questcapeftw@gmail.com [13-9-2017 23:58:36] Marley: chelsea123 [14-9-2017 00:40:32] Marley: did it work bro? when do you think you can finish it? no need to rush right your arm hurts a lot [14-9-2017 00:44:10] BuzzLight Year[E]: ill log in after this movie wife hehe [14-9-2017 00:44:24] Marley: aaigh [14-9-2017 01:27:36] Marley: im going to get some sleep goodluck bro [14-9-2017 11:31:59] Marley: huh bro you didnt train any agillity? when are you going to start? ;p [14-9-2017 16:01:33] BuzzLight Year[E]: I jus go thome ws up all night sorry [14-9-2017 16:01:40] BuzzLight Year[E]: ill start soon as I wake up bro promise [14-9-2017 17:36:26] Marley: no problem bro [14-9-2017 20:33:36] *** Gebeld naar BuzzLight Year[E], geen antwoord. Videobericht versturen *** [14-9-2017 20:33:52] Marley: whoops, the call was accidently [14-9-2017 21:33:59] BuzzLight Year[E]: ty bro [14-9-2017 21:34:07] BuzzLight Year[E]: ill refund some for taking so long to start\ [15-9-2017 17:58:22] BuzzLight Year[E]: yo [15-9-2017 17:58:35] BuzzLight Year[E]: ill hae to refund since I ccannot start till to********ht [15-9-2017 19:54:36] Marley: Yo you can do IT tonight bro [15-9-2017 19:54:43] Marley: Nog problem [15-9-2017 19:56:40] BuzzLight Year[E]: ty bro [15-9-2017 19:56:45] BuzzLight Year[E]: I can afk shit [15-9-2017 19:56:49] BuzzLight Year[E]: too in pain to movw arm [16-9-2017 03:37:58] Marley: hi bro hows your arm? do you want to refund the money or do you still want to do it? [16-9-2017 03:40:21] BuzzLight Year[E]: its 940 pm for me and a bit better [16-9-2017 03:40:55] Marley: aaigh [16-9-2017 03:43:05] BuzzLight Year[E]: you got anything u want done afk [16-9-2017 03:43:18] Marley: no man i really need the agil done :P :p [16-9-2017 03:43:41] Marley: maybe its better for you just to refund because you're in too much pain? [16-9-2017 14:56:58] BuzzLight Year[E]: 51 agil [16-9-2017 15:28:57] Marley: Wooow Nice brooo:D [16-9-2017 15:30:41] BuzzLight Year[E]: lol ty [16-9-2017 15:30:55] BuzzLight Year[E]: gf is over so she told me to take a break XD [16-9-2017 15:34:18] Marley: Yea ofcourse [16-9-2017 15:34:43] BuzzLight Year[E]: want me to get 70 agil for 17m [16-9-2017 15:39:27] Marley: No bro thanks maybe later [17-9-2017 21:05:13] Marley: hi bro, just a question. when do u think you finish 60 agillity? [17-9-2017 22:37:32] BuzzLight Year[E]: yo bro [17-9-2017 22:37:42] BuzzLight Year[E]: sorry went to the cottage just got back logging in now pal [17-9-2017 23:16:48] Marley: aaigh bro [17-9-2017 23:18:07] BuzzLight Year[E]: thx pal [18-9-2017 16:56:52] Marley: dude wtf i got banned? [18-9-2017 20:06:46] BuzzLight Year[E]: stfu [18-9-2017 21:56:55] BuzzLight Year[E]: why did you bot it -.- [17:10:44] Marley: dude it got banned at lvl 51...
  2. Hi there, I have a question. I need 50-60 agillity. Will you be doing the canafis course and picking up the marks? thanks in advance
  3. Haha, seems like it's nearly impossible to reach level 70+ :p. If I get graceful before I reach level 60, I consider leveling the last 10 levels by hand though. 1 hour a day. Hate it
  4. Hi, I really want to start over on OSRS. I don't mind training my skills by hand, but Agillity is the only skill I just can't do, so I really want to bot it to 70. However, I heard the ban rate on agillity is sky high. Has anyone recently reached 70 agility by botting?
  5. Hi Czar, can I get a trial please?
  6. Auto clicking never get you banned lol, did it on multiple accounts, EZ. However I wouldn't do it on your current account as it has been banned before. You sure will get a perm.
  7. @Eagle Scripts Thanks sir, for how long does it work?
  8. Hi @Eagle Scripts, can I get a trial please? Thank you
  9. Hi, can I get a trial please? Thanks in advance!
  10. Why shouldn't he? I don't understand? Just like him I bot on a 1950+ total main, because I can't stand training some skills. So why not just bot the skills u hate? If u do it wisely you can easiliy pull it off. Once u start botting Zulrah etc the chance to get banned is just huge..
  11. Awesome scrips! Any bans yet doing the ardy knights? And can I get a trial please?
  12. Can I get a trial please? Thanks in advance
  13. dude srsly... read the title... 1 def
  14. Hi guys, I'm training a pure atm, it got 80 range and 30 attack and 30 strength atm. What do you guys think is the best/most fun 1 def pure to play with?
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