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Alexis last won the day on May 25 2023

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  1. edit: nvm i see no trials for this np!!
  2. i ended up switching to that when i realized it would still gather fruit from the fruit trees while having farmer clear it after so tbh i think this is a non issue
  3. hey, would it be possible to have a dropbox (or something similar) for axe selection when chopping trees? it keeps wanting to use a bronze axe when i have a perfectly good rune one in my bank when dropping the bronze it tries to go to ge to buy one but im iron xd
  4. worked great for planting my oak trees! the fact i can use teleport spells with runes and not tabs is already a +1 to the other farming script here. also like that it will note the weeds, they're useful for me will be buying when i have lots more seeds/saplings ready to go! honestly my only neutral thing so far and i assume it's the webwalker and also its so minor but walking to lumby tree from the tele spot it runs around the castle the long way and i feel most players would go west through the back door of the castle that's always open great job on this
  5. any chance of a trial? looking to try on my early-ish game iron
  6. does this support the private red chin hunting grounds?
  7. Alexis

    Fruity NMZ

    hi, after repairing dh sets it doesnt tele back to nmz, just sits in lumby
  8. curious on this as well...
  9. my philosophy is 1 quest a day, keeps the ban away (hopefully)
  10. for sure, will def think to do that next time
  11. new tithe farm update is very nice. can't wait to see how this runs after update
  12. odd yeah it was sitting at yanille bank with bank open. could have been a one off thing
  13. script works well, only thing i noticed is when it runs out of fire runes it just sits at bank. would be nice if script stopped and it logged out. also support for divine magic pots would be huge but not really needed. is good for when you're a couple levels from a big curse spell upgrade.
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