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Everything posted by Turkoize

  1. Turkoize


    I don't think at this rate it'll happen soon lmfao
  2. I really have nothing better to do so 5m for all 3?
  3. the fucking secret is out. he speaks
  4. wtf is your name ryan? please say yes lol
  5. Progressive, started from Cwars, trap was placed two tiles north one tile west (you can see it fallen over kinda where the base of the tree is). No manual movement or anything. Am very confuse. And tbh this tile position really isnt the best for crimsons.
  6. F2p pking ddosing for thicc ass rune scims
  7. I'm no but i feel like Alek is saying to post ur dong or code. I think code.
  8. Hello sir, I would like to report un bug. So it placed a trap, didn't recognize it, then tried to place other traps even though it was up. Caught it like this. https://gyazo.com/490370d3764eda81afab4ab07eaece5f
  9. Wow aren't you cool with a mr clean avatar
  10. so much black people music
  11. get rid of this lowlife straight black music w8 how u community manager if u cant even manage gambling addiction
  12. the title is 100% a boston accent
  13. Your parents have a f-type svr
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