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  1. chillouter

    Fruity NMZ

    hey mate can i grab a trial please xx
  2. hi czar, i requested a trial a while back, waited for a couple days and sort of gave up checking, i apologies if you authed one for me at a later date but i wasnt able to test this out, do you think you could re-auth please? Great scripts.
  3. another bug - to do with t grab again, if a random event appears, and its about to t grab something, it will have problems trying to dimsiss the random event - not sure what you can do about this because its the client adding a feature where if x number of players are there then hop would be much appreciated
  4. Pretty much my favoutire script, really well done. the only thing that i could say you could put in is: include an option that allows for a unique delay time between your choosen seconds.. say 10-22 seconeds before refreshing the crabs. This just makes it so those around you dont see you always perfectly reseting. I think it would really decrease bot like behaviour.
  5. chillouter

    Fruity NMZ

    Hi fruity, trial please
  6. well i asked for trial in the middle of night AUS time so i could use it all day today to test it out.. didnt really get time to use all functions because it must have been a 12 hour trial..? can you re auth the trail please?
  7. is attacking ogres and use of cannon simultaneously going to be implemented?
  8. script is not working. it simply killls one ogre then just does nothing.
  9. this happened to me once, the next day it stopped doing it
  10. hi czar, trial please (: liked thread
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