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Everything posted by Sho

  1. Sho

    Fruity NMZ

    anyone know how to resolve the issue with the bot not being able to join the minigame again after death? set up is fine. like 5 overloads and 23 pray pots all set.. it just doesnt seem to be able to rejoin the dream....
  2. mauler can be 87 str without combat and what is 100 pc?
  3. would like some price checks on these accounts please be bias Lvl 51 combat oby mauler with slay staff but no mith gloves but have done few quests to start it. Lvl 74 fully quested gloves desert treasure firecape included. Lvl 73 with torso and fighter helm and slay staff
  5. Sho

    VIP Gone

    Hello, I purchased VIP yesterday and now it's gone. Can you please fix? I can provide proof of payment if needed.
  6. This is still v0.95. Does this support sand crabs yet? I saw your previous post that it will support sand crabs.
  7. How's the ban rate on this recently?
  8. LOL dude i was going to mention this too hahaha i set task to 40 attack 70 str and checked back 8 hours later and was 48 attack hahahahhaha LOLLLLLLL not sure if there's a special way to use the task option. REQUEST is it possible to add like a custom banking method? for example if im killing monsters at like a basement or upstairs, the bot is not able to recognize how to get to bank for more food. so like a custom banking method would be a good idea if not already implanted on the bot and that i just havent checked closely enough. -- Is it possible to add an "open door" option for npc that are outside and some that are inside where you have to open door to get to them. it's obvious you a bot if the bot just sits there all day tryin to attack an npc that's behind a door like inside the house where there's multiple npc outside and inside and the bot gets stuck attacking a single npc that's inside. ---- these are also just ideas sorry if spammed
  9. Sho


    will you make it so 1 def can get firecape also in future?
  10. is it possible to add a healing option for monks? so if training @ monks there could be a option for healing from them?? not just for edge monks but other locations so maybe custom healing option for monks? any thoughts? and maybe a "save" option would be a good idea also. note: ran the bot at seagulls last night and the bot seems is unable to recognize that the npc is already in combat.
  11. Hi Kalem did service for me. All went well. I tried change password but did not receive request from jagex. So I waited. In between I asked Jamez for service for dt. So I gave him my username and password. He said it would be tomorrow. So I could not wait so I made a post I. Request. Only some "member" rank pmed me but I refused and my friend said he would do it but it won't be u till the next day so that's what I told Jamez. Keep in mind that the password still isn't changed. So only 3 people that had my password during this time was Jamez and kalem and myself. And I've virus scanned my pc with avast pro with wifi off and it was clean. So out of frustration, I didn't know who did it but feel free to resolve their ratings. Hope one of you are happy with the 30m+ bank. You can cancel this dispute. I don't plan on giving anymore attention to this dispute as it's just embarrassing.
  12. 95 magic 99 ranged 43 prayer. pm me if you are able to do it right away.
  13. task complete. not sure how to delete. sorry. someoen delete ;P
  14. Order Form - What is your Skype?: Private - added you on skype. - What service do you need?: Quests+levels - Payment method? (rsgp/btc): OSRSGP - Do you agree to my TOS?: YES
  15. Ordered mith gloves + pre-quests. was done within few hours. thank you so much dude.
  16. Sho

    f2p pure

    l0l dude 70 str 66 range is like 2-3 day of botting. but either way it's like lvl 49 combat im assuming. no1 is going to pay over 5m+ for an acc like that ahhaha. goodluck though.
  17. it looks like something like this. let me try. got windows vista 32 bit.
  18. how is this wrong threat..? this is relating to mirror client
  19. downloaded java 32 bit + jdk 86x still getting could not load stream library. it worked before. but reformated laptop so not sure .... there was something called C++ that czar has mentioned in the past that made it work. anyone by any chance know??
  20. Is there a way to save settings? Gets annoying to keep having to re-enter everything.
  21. l0l nvm get this error message at falador center. -guards. (fixed by re-running the script? ) INFO][bot #1][06/26 04:35:53 PM]: Finding nearest npc.... [iNFO][bot #1][06/26 04:35:53 PM]: java.lang.NullPointerException at b.b.a.NUl.a(ro:396) at b.b.a.NUl.D(ro:32) at b.coN.onLoop(ig:147) at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(tg:28) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
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