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Wishy last won the day on October 20 2022

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  1. Free version on SF Purchased closed to 5m Supplies
  2. Honestly better off buying a server
  3. u hav smol peepee :doge: 

    1. Wishy


      Not what ur mum said

  4. Grey

    1. Wishy
    2. Dbuffed


      Thank you, someone is nice unlike @Space orange bitch.

  5. Woooooooooooo #ScriptFactory#1
  6. LMS is not possible. Castle wars however. Should be. Providing we have a method to attack another player outside the wilderness. For the "player name" just put * It should support wildcard. Check the API
  7. Webwalking works when on Fossil Island yes. Dont believe it handles the Mushrooms or the Agility Shortcut (to teaks) Had to manually build all of that into my scripts.
  8. Method 1 - Interact with NPC that is Interacting with my Player. There as it stands doesnt seem to be a suitable way to do this (Unless ive fully missed it) This Method is V beneficial in situations where multiple NPCs Exist. As sometimes Interact with NPC wont interact with the correct NPC Method 2 - If NPC Has Animation ID (Area) or If NPC has Animation ID (Distance from Coord) This is useful for somewhere like Shamans, Detecting if the Shaman is either Jumping, or Summoning Spawns. Using checks such as "If NPC Has Animation" will occasionally detect NPCs in another room, causing the script to become confused. Method 3 - Detecting NPC Prayer (In Combat Filter) Method would be very beneficial with NPCs with Prayer Icons. Demonic Gorillas for Example. We currently have no way to differentiate between the Gorillas in the room. Causing the wrong prayer. Method 4 - NPC Attacking my Player Animation ID Like Method 3, Using this at Demonics would allow for us to Detect the Demonics Boulder which can be avoided by moving x amount of tiles.
  9. If there's one thing I'm sure of. My balls are hairy. Not crystal. No one knows how long its going to take to release a script.
  10. Allow us to Stop Breaking if a condition is met. For example If timer 1 is not running If break integer is set to 1 (Presume this to be on break) End Break Would allow for things like Herb/Tree/Fruit Tree/Berries/Birdhouses etc to be way easier to do. Instead of having to work out timings and have loads of different breaks. Instead 1 generic break.
  11. Somewhere in the region of 30-50$ Will depend if they have Rogue outfit i guess
  12. Uhm, maybe in the region of $40. 2 Day ban might affect that slightly
  13. Get back to bed, rest.

    1. Wishy


      What is rest

  14. A version was released that had some issues. In that time frame, Project went on Holiday. Due to this, a previous non branch version was reverted. Branching will come back
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