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Everything posted by SoMuchDank

  1. Just picked this up to grab a few levels, didn't wanna get a premium script for it. This script is great, runs flawless, and seems to have pretty good anti-ban. Huge fan of your products so far, will be dealing with you more in the future ;) Thanks for putting a pretty good free script up on the SDN.
  2. I will be doing the same thing I do everyday
  3. I want this beta code because I have an abnormally large third leg. Thank you.
  4. From what I learned when declaring my minor, it will be better for you in the long-run to choose a minor that your current major/class schedule already has you taking classes in. i.e., Odds are you will take classes that are requirements for your major that will overlap with one or even both of these minors, which will allow you to finish/work at finishing them at the same time? Just a thought however, obviously if you like one over the other course work isn't going to matter to you all that much. Goodluck!!
  5. Honestly this could be a big step for scripting. Sounds interesting...a series of bots and a "mother" bot. Keep me updated.
  6. I feel like using shampoo to wash my balls would be weird.
  7. Did a quick 5 hour test of this and got better XP/h than any other script that I was authed. Around 20-25k xp/hr constantly at master farmer, great script. Will be purchasing in the future. Thanks a lot!!
  8. I know i'm a noob but weren't you just a mod when you welcomed me? :(

    1. Genii
    2. SoMuchDank


      Welcome back u sexy mf

  9. I just started doing this after reading this thread and there are a few things on there that made me giggle a little bit. The thing that interests me most is how well the staff handles some of that obnoxious shit lol.
  10. I play csgo! Was DMG before they ruined the rank system, haven't played in a few months though
  11. Hello everyone!!! So many friendly people!
  12. Awesome! Seems like it was script related then and can be reported to the creator! Problem solved.
  13. Scotty the hotty botty, your hostest with the mostest!!!
  14. Hello Charlotte!!! Nice to meet you
  15. Hey Khaleesi, love the name first of all...hope you're as excited for the new season next week as I am But anyways, i'm trying to get rid of this mediocre free script i'm using for agil so i've been checking out some of the premium ones, mind tossing me a trial to test it out? I wouldn't mind posting a proggie at the end Thanks!!
  16. As the above user said, try running another script and seeing if you get the same problem. This will give an idea of if the problem is client or script sided.
  17. Will you be my gf

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SoMuchDank


      I will buy you flowers and candy

    3. Maldesto


      Buy me xbox games and mt dew and we may be able to work it out ;)

    4. SoMuchDank


      Fine *puts down flowers, picks up gears of war 4*

  18. Didn't take long for me to see how much more professional you guys are over here, i'll definitely be around for a while Thanks for all the quick welcomes, friends
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