ye bro ya know. got banned insta 100 mouse listerner not active. u gots to active it mayn u know. haha like ndo the deed and active it iosbot or we all get banned hahaha.a,.a.. ya no
I may make one if I get the time (or collab with someone to bring a tutorial to you). Been busy with finals coming up. but don't get discouraged my friend. Keep trying!
EDIT: If you could leave any information you would like covered that would make it easier on me.
Drop it through an Osbot PM or quote me.
Also if you haven't checked already, here is a few scripting snippets I have made. It shows how to use some of Osbot's API
If you are constantly hopping and the condition is being check while you are logged out, wouldn't that be the problem?
I assume you are hopping since you are shop buying.