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  1. Unable to use my own house while unnoting clay in rimmington. Frustrating that I just used 8M to get 67 construction but have to use other people's portals still...
  2. Could i also get a trial please? I'd like to try this out before purchasing. thanks!
  3. would I be able to get a trial for this please? thank you!
  4. Hi! i was wondering if I could get a free trial please? thank you!!
  5. could i get a trial please? thank you!
  6. could i get a free trial please?
  7. Prayer flicking will not work with kurasks. It enables the prayer but it doesn't flick it. Mouse seems to be sitting consistently below the prayer orb and doesn't flick with enemy attacks, just holds prayer on and turns it off/on again when it attacks the next monster.
  8. thejaru

    Stealth Quester

    With gear preset of magic saved, It won't take out mage gear for any quests. Attempts to melee all fights but im a mage/range tank...
  9. thejaru

    Stealth Quester

    Not sure where you mean but I can't find it in the scripts section, or in the forums store. I think it was removed again.
  10. Hey Khal, i love your wintertodt script and I know i am asking for a lot of trials RN but that's just because im trying to expand my collection. If possible, i'd like to get a trial of this script and give it a go before purchasing. Thanks!
  11. could I get a trial for the APA rooftops agility please? Thanks!
  12. Could I get a trial for this please czar? Thanks!
  13. Another comment about a glitch. While running the script, it randomly decides it no longer wants to attack all the monsters. Will only attack one of the designated NPC and wait for that exact spawn to spawn again, at which point it will kill it again. It doesn't auto-retaliate to combat and will continuously try and attack the designated NPC that it wants to fight. Regardless of the fact that other NPC"s with the same name (e.g. fire giants) are attacking it, it will only go for that one specific spawn.
  14. when using cannon and fight alongside cannon mode it does not attack any NPC's. Nor does it initially load the cannon and fire it. I have to manually click on the cannon first at which point it will always make sure the cannon is full, but it still does not attack any NPC's. It only auto-retaliates to npcs.
  15. could I get a trial please? Would like to try it out! thanks
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