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  1. Gadbwuah


    Can you add teletab support? like for banking and general use? it walks all the way back for more food
  2. Gadbwuah


    Hey Ez, You gave me a trial a week ago but I was only able to run it for like 30 minutes or so that night. I was curious if I could get another trial? If not i understand
  3. Hey Czar, I thought the script was good, it took a little finesse in the settings to get it how i wanted. One thing though that I was curious about, In the GUI it says Rock Crabs and then the option for East or West, yet it will web walk to sand crabs regardless of selection. I totally understand the script it called Sand Crabs, just curious because honestly I was looking at it for rock crabs and not sand crabs
  4. Can i get a trial of the script please?
  5. Gadbwuah


    Wondering if i could try this script out, looking for a crab bot
  6. Gadbwuah


    Could I snag a trial?
  7. - Script name: Khal RockCrabs - trial length: As long as possible - Reason for trial: want to check out the script before purchasing - Are you ging to give feedback on the script?: I give a review after my trial Thanks dude!
  8. Gadbwuah


    Dang you didnt even wait 7 minutes. Im only looking for about 40m if you know of any
  9. Gadbwuah


    Hey boss, got a discord i can add? Mine is Gadbwuah#9424
  10. Gadbwuah

    Fruity NMZ

    Have the ban rates slowed down again? I know that the last ban wave was quite aggressive. Was there a slight change/update to the script code?
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