I'm not sure if this is what you're looking for, but I have a starter main, 60 attack 65 str, 50 range 50 magic 126 qps and 930 total, willing to let go for very cheap
I have a nice starting account was my main until I bought my new account, has 60 melee stats, only 50 range/mage though 126 qps willing to let go for about 15m osrs
PM me for skype if interested!
add me on skype, I have the perfect acc for you, 5-7 def, 50 hp other various stats, 60 str, (my failed mauling acc)
PM me for skype, will sell as soon as i'm on, only looking for about 4-5m for this acc
I'm looking to buy a level 3 skiller with any 99, i prefer agility, thieving, or wc will pay with paypal or rsgp to trusted members, post offers here and PM me