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Everything posted by Etnies

  1. are my chances of getting banned high?
  2. would you be interested in my "main" acc? 60 melee stats 50 range/magic would sell for 5m
  3. I'm not sure if this is what you're looking for, but I have a starter main, 60 attack 65 str, 50 range 50 magic 126 qps and 930 total, willing to let go for very cheap
  4. I will post some proggies with this, see how well it does.
  5. Etnies


    I have a nice starting account was my main until I bought my new account, has 60 melee stats, only 50 range/mage though 126 qps willing to let go for about 15m osrs PM me for skype if interested!
  6. add me on skype, I have the perfect acc for you, 5-7 def, 50 hp other various stats, 60 str, (my failed mauling acc) PM me for skype, will sell as soon as i'm on, only looking for about 4-5m for this acc
  7. level 3's 300k with no trade limit
  8. 15-20 depending hand/botted
  9. i have one that started as a mauler, then got 7 def and like 6 attack, has verious stats, willing to let go for around 3-4m PM me for skype
  10. don't use the acc for about a week, all should be good then
  11. looking for a 75 -85 ranged account with 10-40 hp paying with paypal to untrusted users, gladly will buy osrs for more trusted users. 1 DEFENCE
  12. make a main and go bossing
  13. Orig owner can always recover, I've never been banned for buying an acc.
  14. This is a hard one, based on stats alone probably 70-80m
  15. VERY interested, skype me at osb.etnies
  16. I'm looking to buy a level 3 skiller with any 99, i prefer agility, thieving, or wc will pay with paypal or rsgp to trusted members, post offers here and PM me
  17. I have an acc with 50 wc i'd let go for 1m and if you made acc's i could get them to 30 crafting for you for 500k ea PM me if interested
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