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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Adapt

  1. Adapt

    the "perfect" acc

  2. current stats: http://prntscr.com/bjcljq ending stats: http://prntscr.com/bjtx7p STAT CHANGES -70 attack -70 strength ------------------------------------- stats can be quested (stats are for the quest cape anyways) supplies will be provided as well as bonds. HAND DONE. NO BOTTING. PAYING 100M+
  3. Would do this for 7M.
  4. I'd do it for 7M now.
  5. I'd probably do it for 10M.
  6. Adapt


    I can do crafting - 950k cooking - 1M fishing - 950k woodcutting - 950k
  7. Adapt


    1-61 mining 50-61 wc 1-50 hunter hand done, level 3
  8. Adapt

    skiller req

    I'll do that probably tonight or friday.
  9. Adapt

    skiller req

    what was the cost again?
  10. I can do this. Add my skype: dglols or PM me
  11. Adapt

    skiller req

    I need the following on a skiller 50-61 wc 5-60 thieving 15-50 farming 1-60 hunter 1-50 rc 1-full graceful and knights sword will be hand done and will request screenshots randomly
  12. Adapt

    Big Request

    I'll do this cheap. Add my skype: dglols
  13. 13 Delta, Automated Tactical Data Systems Specialist
  14. Adapt

    Quest + Levelling.

    I'll do the quests for 2.5M and the levels for about 1.5M. Total of 4M + supplies.
  15. I'll do it for 2.5M.
  16. go ahead and close this. I see no point as i kinda fucked myself lol
  17. I'll do the crafting, would have it done withing 2 hours. 1M
  18. I'll do it the cheapest and go first. Skype: dglols
  19. I spoke with Tyler shortly after posting this and since it had to be approved to be posted I forgot about it. Tyler offered to complete the service as well as use part of the original 18M to supply the account for a second attempt. I honestly do not know what needs to happen at this point as I understand his side as well as mine. He mentioned botting and honestly I wasn't expecting him to get banned as quickly as he did. I also was under the impression that it would be light botting and mostly afk.
  20. Disputed member: http://osbot.org/forum/user/12724-tyler/ Thread Link: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/99827-%E2%96%90-sponsor%E2%96%90-%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BD40-feedback%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BDtylers-custom-account-service%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BDpowerleveling%EF%BF%BD%E2%9C%94minegames%E2%9C%94slayer%E2%9C%94-and-more/ Explanation: I paid the user 18M + 7M for supplies(including the bond) to create an account and get it 1-80 Attack/Strength/Defense. The account was made 10 minutes prior the the service starting. The user states in his TOS he is not responsible, however, I feel that is unjust and I would either like a refund or an account with the specified stats. He is a cool user, nothing personal, I just don't feel what he is attempting to do is right. Evidence: http://prntscr.com/bdop88 states he botted http://prntscr.com/bdopc2 claims I need to supply more gold for the service or for it to be terminated http://prntscr.com/bdopi3 states I need to provide more gold for supplies in order for him to continue the service Like I said, nothing personal I just want an admin/moderator look at this and determine what is right.
  21. I've added your skype. I specialize in call of duty/social media design, recently expanded here.
  22. Adapt

    starter main

    Need this. off to bed leave prices below
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