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Ahmad Diab

Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Ahmad Diab

  1. when you pick the script process with buying it the normal, when you get the paying method option you can put in the voucher > http://prntscr.com/fmks6p
  2. buy vouchers < you can find people that sell vouchers in the market section
  3. i'm having a mofo issue setting up a plugin, its fuckin me up, need someone experienced with ip to take a look at it skype: iamahmad.diab1998 would appreciate the help
  4. please remove this feedback http://prntscr.com/fkoiwz i don't know the guy and never dealt with him aside from the osbot chatbox, he was the one being rude to everyone which resulted in him getting banned by dard -.- Edit: i almost forgot, this guy said he had multi accounts and that this account is his friends acc, he said that his was banned thats why he used this one if you're wondering why he would admit that its simply bc he's an idiot you better check if he's got other accs and ban those
  5. YET, i stole your customer i had to comment that shit LOL
  6. did it make it to the other side tho?
  7. y'all salty of how i'm the heart of the community, y'all know that
  8. @Deceiver is a scam, i can do this, add my skype: iamahmad.diab1998
  10. Do you agree to the TOS: maybe Do you agree with the Deposit: fuck no Skype: iamahmad.diab1998 < add me GUURLLS What are you applying for: Nudes Have you done any other services? yep, pornstar
  11. I KNEW I HAD SEEN YOU SOMEWHERE! yooo WTF, you look like you a fresh hatch
  12. i said it looks good, your looks would kill how that shit looks so naa
  13. yo tho, the red jacket is lit, you actually got a good taste in something at least
  14. WHY THE FUCK AM I BEING DRAGGED INTO THIS? she ain't gonna post shit, i have none to do with this so don't keep fuckin mentioning me @Amalina i ain't playin AND OPEN YOUR FUCKING DOOR OR STOP THIS MADNESS
  15. she been buggin me since she joined, please keep my ass outta this -.- WAIIIT, WTF YOU MEAN! stop playin like that tho srsly edit: you better open the door or stop playin around gosh GOSH, whatever!
  16. uhm, told ya, don't blame me and stop FUCKIN MENTIONING ME IN EVERYTHING, I'M IN THE NEXT ROOM GOSH mate, believe me she is hella messed up, you better be my backup, DON'T MAKE SHIT WORSE -.-
  17. Why the fuck am i getting dragged into this LOL shes hella annoyin just sayin, all yours brother, would do me a favor actually LOL FU -.- LOOL, fuck off brother, mio already mine meh
  18. -.....- i don't even know why i'm replyin in here when your sittin next to me, THIS IS WEIRD ASF anyways, don't mention me for every little thing -_- EDIT: to avoid being slapped, i'm sorry GOSH
  19. old? fuck you talkin about, age doesn't matter when there's love LOVE IS A HURRICANE you did get that right LOL
  21. Too many to fit in here so imma put links meh http://prntscr.com/fjq6k9 https://prnt.sc/fjq4yw https://prnt.sc/fjq5ev https://prnt.sc/fjq5rn https://prnt.sc/fjq5zj
  22. GODDAMM, I wish I could diss you, but nature already did
  23. Fuck you mean, the whole conversation wouldn't have accured if you used that lil brain of yours so obv he means you -.-
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