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Ahmad Diab

Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Ahmad Diab

  1. i can't actually find the script in SDN?
  3. dang, i'm actually crying! people still actually read books for fun:O
  4. I would like to request a thread name change link: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/92132-ahmads-questing-service/?p=1021452 current name: Ahmad's Questing Service! name needed: Ahmad Diab's RS07 AIO Service! [Fire Cape] & [Quests] & [Powerleveling] & [Cheap]!
  5. Okay So Before You People start sayin YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE ANY FEEDBACKS or shit like that i can explain why i'm asking for a Fee upon joining and believe it or not I'VE GOT HELLA TOO MANY ORDERS BTW, MY ORDERS DON'T ONLY COME FROM BOTTING COMMUNITIES AS I OWN A RS SERVICE WEBSITE. Open for applications, looking for part time & full time users who would like to experience the service side of the forum but maybe don't know where to start or maybe don't get as many orders as they would like. I will look into any applications posted, both low and higher feedback have an equal chance of being able to work along side me, I am not going to specifically point towards certain people. Hi there, I am going to be hiring workers, people that both want to be able to put their time online into good use along with making a good profit, I will not force you to accept orders but if you do accept them you must complete them - Failure to do so you will of course not get paid for it. What positions I have open : x1 minigames / preferably with firecapes x1 Quester Everything must be hand done unless consulted me otherwise, if so the client you are working with (the person ordering with us) must confirm to me that you are able to have the use of bots. The requirements to work for me : You will pay a sum of 15-20M oldschool RSGP, 50% refundable if you choose to leave service You must have a clean reputation across other sites You must not be banned on any other sites Feedback on your work is preferred but not a requirement You must be able to use Skype to discuss orders Application form : What position are you after? : Do you agree to the TOS? : How much are you depositing? : What is your Skype ID? : What is your experience like? : ~ Please note, this does not include your own account, as you can easily buy services yourself. Terms of Service agreement : 1) You must pay a minimum of 15M oldschool RSGP, this will be 50% Refundable as you will be gaining more than enough money back in no time with the specific amount of time you put back in. 2) You will be given minimum requirement setups depending the type of order, this is to avoid scamming (I will instruct the client ordering with us the same) if it's something such as a firecape with high gear, you will be requested to pay in a further deposit which will be refunded after completion. 3) The deposit fee (minimum 15M) is 50% refundable, upon you paying you will be given orders with what you was signed up to do, so if you are signing up for quests you will be given quests only. You will be paid 85-90% of your order payment depending what you decide to pay upon joining. 4) You must complete any and all orders you agree to accept under my service name, if you do not complete them fully you will not be paid for your work currently completed. 5) You must be respectful and understanding of other people, we are of different ages meaning not everyone will be as mature as the rest, if you are going to be rude and continue to be you are going wrong and will be asked to apologise. 6) If you are going away for a certain amount of time such as holiday, breaks or family time etc we would expect to be notified so we can try to hold off orders for you until you're back, failure to do so will risk you being removed from the service without any further work given to you. 7) If you are caught using third party content such as bots for orders when you have been requested not to, you will be removed from the service - If you upon this get the account banned, I will myself place a scam report on you and make sure you are banned from the website. 8) You must be able to talk on Skype, all orders are given out on Skype and the payments go through me, meaning you cannot generally take orders from the thread without my permission or me consulting the person ordering without speaking to them first and agreeing to it. ~ If you are breaking any of the rules above, I will remove you from our service until it is sorted fully. I do not mind if you join other services, just please note you will need to be handle work coming from both which sometimes is very time consuming and stressful. CREDITS FOR THIS THEAD GOES TO @Dbuffed MY Skype Is: iamahmad.diab1998
  6. My Workers List: NOTE: ALL PAYMENTS MUST GO THRO ME! *Quests Prices* Some Of The Quests I've Done For Customers! Fire Cape Requirements: *Order Form* What Kind Of Service Do You Need?: Which Quest Do You Need?(If questing service): Which Skill Do You Need?(If You Need Powerleveling): Which Cape Package Do You Need?(If Fire Cape): Payment method: Have you added me in Skype?: Your skype:
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