i'm the original owner of the account!
Before you go further! I only accept paypal from people i deem trusted!
i'd prefer OSRS/RS3 GP
Current Bid: 200M from another community
Wealth Evaluator permenant open: [90m worth bank]
10 Pets in total:
5 skilling pets
2 legendary pets
3 random ass pets!
cosmatics outfits:
OSRS Account:
Bank none
Stats: http://prntscr.com/ffjgps
Quests: http://prntscr.com/ffjgw1
Cb level: 74
Both Account Status:
http://prntscr.com/ffjg4t [due to using auto clicker] < never knew it was considered botting so meh
got 210 membership days left!
do you have the pre-quests for the pre-quests done tho?
BC if not you know we're talkin about this:
Fate of the GodsMissing, Presumed Death
Meeting History
Making HistoryThe Restless Ghost
Priest in Peril
Druidic Ritual
Plague's End
Making HistoryThe Restless Ghost
Priest in Peril
Catapult Construction
Underground Pass
BiohazardPlague City
Within the Light
Mourning's Ends Part II
Mourning's Ends Part IBig Chompy Bird Hunting
Sheep Herder
Roving ElvesWaterfall Quest
Underground Pass
Plague City…
The Temple at Senntisten
Desert TreasureThe Dig Site
The Tourist Trap
Temple of Ikov
Priest in Peril
Troll StrongholdDeath Plateau
Waterfall Quest
Devious Minds
Wanted!33 quest points
Recruitment DriveDruidic Ritual
The Lost TribeGoblin Diplomacy
Priest in Peril
What's Mine is Yours
Troll StrongholdDeath Plateau
Abyss (miniquest)
The Curse of Arrav
Defender of VarrockShield of Arrav
The Knight's Sword
Demon Slayer
Temple of Ikov
Family Crest
What Lies BelowRune Mysteries
Garden of TranquillityCreature of Fenkenstrain
Shades of Mort'ton
Troll Romance
Troll StrongholdDeath Plateau
The Tale of the Muspah
Missing My MummyThe Golem
Icthlarin's Little Helper
Diamond in the RoughStolen Hearts
Gertrude's Cat
The Restless Ghost
Senliten fully restored
The World Wakes
14m, been a while since my last service meh, not doing anything except this one as i'm only takin it to make some gp for my personal account to play the game again, shouldn't take time also.
skye: iamahmad.diab1998